How will organize the motor skill practice activities

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133251555


1. Name an activity (not the skills) that has a variety of motor skills associated with it (e.g. basketball, or baking a cake, or balance program). See the following examples:

  • Sport example: Basketball is an activity and has dribbling, shooting, and passing as motor skills associated with it.
  • Occupational therapy example: Baking a cake as an activity where stirring, pouring, and measuring are associated motor skills.
  • Physical therapy example: A balance program using skills on the BOSU ball, one-foot static balance and balance walking while turning the head from side to side.

2. List the 3-5 motor skills that you are going to include in the practice session you are going to create.

3. Describe the practice activities that include all of the motor skills you listed above. Organize them into either blocked, serial, or random practice method. You should have activities for all three methods (i.e. blocked, serial, and random).

4. Clearly describe how you will organize the motor skill practice activities that you developed in 3 using the idea of a teaching progression.

In other words, make sure to organize the progression from simple to more complex.

Reference no: EM133251555

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