How will carry out assessments and management of bill

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133545001

Case study scenario

You are a Registered Nurse in the paediatric short-stay unit. Upon arrival this morning, you were given a brief handover of Bill, a 21-month-old boy, who was allocated to you. Bill was admitted yesterday through the emergency department following a four-day history of fever, coughing, copious and thick nasal secretion, lethargy, and poor feeding. Bill has a diagnosis of bronchiolitis following a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection.

After the handover, you decide to conduct your first observations on Bill and the following were recorded: Breath rate 57 breaths per minute, Temperature 39.5oC, Oxygen saturations 90%, heart rate 148 beats per minute, Blood pressure 105/70mmHg and Capillary refill 2-3 seconds. Bill appears restless, inconsolable, apathetic, and disinterested in his environment. You also noticed increased work of breathing, intercostal retractions and nasal flaring. Shelly, his mother, says Bill is still having feeding difficulties.

Detailed instructions

1. Introduction

2. Pathophysiology

3. Nursing assessments and management In this section, discuss how you will carry out your assessments and management of Bill.

Isolate and discuss the potential and actual nursing issues identified in the scenario.

  • What range of nursing assessments will you undertake?
  • Choose and use appropriate tools/frameworks to approach and prioritise your assessments and management (e.g. Paediatric Assessment
  • Tool, ABCDE, and/or Primary Assessment Framework)
  • Consider any potential changes following your interventions e.g. deterioration or improvement and how this will impact the care provided.
  • You should identify, consider and briefly discuss the nursing management relevant to your patient and tailored to your assessment findings.
  • Discuss the nursing assessment and management strategies while incorporating the child and family centred care and provide examples where applicable.
  • This section should demonstrate your critical thinking skills while applying evidence-informed practice.
  • Incorporate any holistic health considerations and rationales to demonstrate critical thinking.
4. Health promotion

5. Conclusion

Reference no: EM133545001

Questions Cloud

Identify a health care issue : Identify a health care issue and explain why it is important in three sentences maximum.
Interpret the legalities of adea : Can the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 be applied in this situation? Why or why not? What other laws (if any) might apply to this issue?
Develop a nursing care plan that identifies two acute issues : Develop a nursing care plan that identifies two (2) acute issues, goals and interventions to manage the issues Justification of nursing care.
What percentage of the rda for iron did you consume : In your answer provide 2 examples of compliance that is within your scope of practice and 2 examples that are outside of your scope of practice.
How will carry out assessments and management of bill : Nursing assessments and management In this section, discuss how you will carry out your assessments and management of Bill.
Explain value of biostatistics in population health research : Explain the value of biostatistics in population health research. Describe the role of epidemiology in researching and addressing population health challenges.
Explain the wireless communicating system of apps : Identify and explain how the wireless communicating system of apps and devices connects patients and health providers to diagnose, monitor.
Evaluating communication skills for the presentation : You will want to ensure you focus on evaluating communication skills for the presentation such as oral presentation skills.
Relationship between health administration and the arts : Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the relationship between health administration and the arts and humanities.


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