How will achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133491277 , Length: Words Count:1250


You have a choice for your course innovation reflection assignment. You can either write a 750 to 1250 word reflection paper, or you can create a five to seven-minute presentation using PowerPoint and the built-in voice narration feature, or you can create a screencast of you narrating your presentation. Here are the questions you should address in this assignment.

  1. What you have learned in the class and how it will assist you in achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals?
  2. What aspects of or topics in the course piqued the most interest, and how do they relate to you professional goals?
  3. What topics or activities do you think have been most impactful on your final Design Thinking project? Explain why and how they positively impacted your project.
  4. How will you continue to learn about small business, innovation, and technology after you have graduated?

Papers should use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and double spaced.


Reference no: EM133491277

Questions Cloud

How digital technologies disrupted nature of competition : Analyse how digital technologies have disrupted the nature of competition in the selected industry.
Description of the ethical issue : In your essay, you will include the following information: the name of the company or business and a description of the ethical issue that took place.
Why is it important to know legal aspects of small business : Discuss a particular law with regard to small businesses in Canada that you did not know about and that seemed interesting to you.
Find out what business licenses : Conduct research and find out what business licenses and permits are required to open/start up a firearms business in the state of Texas.
How will achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals : What you have learned in the class and how it will assist you in achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals?
Analyze savage in terms of fiedlers contingency theory : Analyze Davenport and Savage in terms of Fiedler's contingency theory. Analyze Savage's approach to change management using Kotter's eight-step model.
Read the off ramps- or dead end : Do you agree or disagree with how Cheryl has approached the issues addressed in this case? Why or why not?
Identify strategic problems of mcdonalds : Identify the key facts of the situation or issue(s), and show how they lead to a particular focus for your strategic analysis of the firm.
What approaches does dr king use to influence followers : Influencing Followers: What approaches does Dr. King use to influence followers? Do you think he motivates them? How?


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  Identify one internal information source

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  Determine the criteria to rank capital budgeting decisions

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  Explain the concept oftransformational leadership

Explain the concept oftransformational leadership. How can Laissez-Faire leadership be considered constructive?

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