How will aarion bank customers respond

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Reference no: EM133372911

Service Robots in the Frontline: How Will Aarion Bank's Customers Respond?

1. For which types of service are artificial intelligence (AI)-powered self-service technologies (SSTs) andservice robots best suited and why?

2. Is there a difference between traditional SST, AI-powered SST, and service robots? Is there still a placefor traditional SST?

3. How can customers be enticed to try and ultimately routinely use these new delivery channels? Doesthe bank need to segment customers based on their ability and willingness to adopt these smart deliverychannels? Does the profitability of customers play a role?

4. What role does relationship management play for the implementation of AI-powered service delivery?

5. What are the strengths of human frontline personnel in comparison to AI-powered SST? What type ofservices should be delivered by the bank's employees? Does the profitability of these services play arole? What other considerations might be important.

Reference no: EM133372911

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