How were your two states declared after wwi

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131314191

We are quickly approaching the end of the semester and we still have many things to cover. In the interest of getting caught up in a timely fashion, please note the following changes to the syllabus:

• The second short exam will take place Tuesday, November 29th. This will be a 40-minute exam to be taken at the beginning of class. It will be in the same format as the first exam: short answer and one 5-paragraph essay.
• The longer response paper (3-4 pages, 10% of your final grade) will be due Tuesday, December 13th, the last day of class. Please see the prompt for specific instructions about how to get started on this paper.

Additionally, there will be no writing prompt this week. Instead, we are going to focus on getting through chapters 11 and 12. I would encourage you to read these chapters because they will be fair game for the exam. Make sure you take careful notes on them.

Study Guide

Short Identifications: I will choose 10 IDs from the following list for the exam. Of the 10, you will choose 5 and clearly state the who/what, where, when, and why significant. The ‘why significant' is a crucial part of this answer so remember to state as clearly as possible the significance of the ID.

Significance can include, but is not necessarily limited to, one of the following:

1).How the ID has radically changed something and what is the significance of this change

2). How the ID hasled to things staying the same and what the significance of this continuity is

3). How the ID operates within the international arena and what that shows us about how the international arena is shaping at this particular moment.

4). How the ID operates internally and what this shows us about the internal situation at this particular moment.

Greek War of Independence (1821-1932)

The Tanzimat Period (1839-1976)

Hatt-i Serif Gülhane

Resit Pasa

Mutasarrifiyah (Lebanon)

1876 Ottoman Constitution

Urabi Revolt (Egypt)

Sultan Abdulhamit II (1876-1909)

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation

The Young Turks/Committee of Union and Progress

1908 Young Turk Revolution

Enver Pasha

Qajar dynasty

Marja' al-taqlid/ayatollah

Concessions granted to Europeans

1891 Tobacco Protest

Nassir ad-Din Shah

Zones of influence in Persia

1905-1911 Persian Constitutional Revolution


The Armenian Genocide

Syria under Djemal Pasha

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Husayn-MacMahon Correspondance

King Faysal (Syria, Iraq)

Short Essay: Answer one of the following questions by writing an essays with five paragraphs. The first paragraph should introduce your own thesis/argument. The next three paragraphs should each examine one point that strengthens your thesis in the first paragraph. The final paragraph should conclude your essay by wrapping up your analysis and tying them together.

1. Choose one of the states in the post-WWI Arab Middle East and explain it in terms of three of the following:

a. Local/state-based nationalism vs. Arab nationalism.

b. Modern state (using Max Weber's definition).

c. Social classes: which ones play a dominant role in the state and why? Which social classes either reject the state or seek alternative ideologies and why?

d. The nation as an "imagined community" and the education system/importance of literacy.

States to choose from: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia

2. State and analyze what you believe are the three major factors that led to the eventual collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. There is a broad range of factors to choose from, here are some suggestions.

a. Political factors

b. Economic factors

c. Social factors

d. European empires

e. Concessions

f. Revolutions/rebellions

3. Explain how the ‘ulama (the religious scholarly class) formed in Persian (Iran) and in the Ottoman Empire. What are the points of contrast between the two and what factors led to their differences? How was each group able to operate in their respective societies?

Longer Response Paper

We have been studying the process of modernization in the Middle East and the emergence of new states as a result of this process. At the end of WWII, new states emerged in the Middle East (Turkey, Iraq, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia) and older ones were radically restructured (Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran). Choosing two of these states, write a paper that compares and contrasts the process of state-formation and modernization within your two selected states. Chronologically, begin with the immediate post-WWI period and in the early 2000s.

You should include the following considerations in your paper:

• How were your two states declared/formed immediately after WWI?

• What ideologies (nationalist, Marxist-socialist, secular, Islamist) were operating in your two states and under what conditions?

• What different roles did the various social classes play in the continued transformation of these states throughout the 20th century?

o Monarchy, notables, tribes, peasants, workers, military, religious scholars (‘ulema)

• What are the factors that have led these particular states to their current situation?

o Here, I want you to reflect on causation. Review Jules R. Benjamin's A Student's Guide to History for a definition of causation.

Paper requirements:

• 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

• Heading: include your name, class number, and date (single spaced)

• Footnotes in Chicago Style (see Benjamin, Ch. 10 for reference)

• Sources

o 1 citation from Benjamin'sA Student's Guide to History

o 2 citations from Cleveland's History of the Modern Middle East

o 2 citations from one of the encyclopedias or databases listed under "Resources for History Research: Middle East and North Africa" in Benjamin's A Student's Guide to History (page 246).

Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

• Does the paper meet all of the requirements?

• Does the paper cover all the considerations and answer them clearly?

• How well does the paper incorporate the required sources?

• Is the argument of the paper strong and backed up well by the sources?

Reference no: EM131314191

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