How well the information and knowledge learned in class

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM131312635

Managerial Economics Report; Due 30-36hrs from now

The report has to be 1000 words, APA format with references

I need a report in Managerial Economics (In this course we have tried to look at Economics from a Managerial lens. Managers need Economics knowledge to understand the market they deal with, consumer behavior, rival's strategic behavior, the cost structure, the opportunity costs of the resources utilized in production, their market power and ways to maintain it) which cover the below question

1- In your opinion, what are the major takeaways from class (as applied to the complex business environment of today)?

2- From your own practice (experience), identify one real situation /problem in which you believe the knowledge learned in class can help (or will help) analyze and address better. Please Explain how.

3- Briefly, assess how well the information and knowledge learned in class were well-integrated with the other knowledge from your program (i.e., indicate how far the topics and cases of managerial economics complement knowledge from other subjects in your program).

4- If you were to choose to add one more topic (other than those already covered in class), what would that be and why)?

5- If you were to eliminate one topic from the class plan, what would that be and why?

Reference no: EM131312635

Questions Cloud

Describe the appearance of the break surface of a bolt : What primary factors determine the number of load cycles required to break a bolt subject to fatigue loading? Describe the appearance of the break surface of a bolt which has failed in fatigue ?
Define the endurance limit of a bolt : Define the endurance limit of a bolt ? Which is greater, the static yield strength or the endurance limit of the bolt?
Irs between a cpa and an afsp tax preparer during 2015 : From Circular 230 compare and contrast the ability to practice before IRS between a CPA and an AFSP tax preparer during 2015
Identify all of the interior nodes : List all of the nodes in the path to each of the following nodes
How well the information and knowledge learned in class : Briefly, assess how well the information and knowledge learned in class were well-integrated with the other knowledge from your program.
Median selling price of all homes in a subdivision : Determine the median selling price of all homes in a subdivision named Botany Bay sold during one year. Allow the user to enter the number of houses sold and store their selling prices in an array. The median of a list of N numbers is as follows:
Does large bolt to joint stiffness ratio increase or decrese : Does a large bolt-to-joint stiffness ratio increase or decrease the possibility of fatigue failure of the bolt and why?
Risk assessment and business impact analysis : Using a risk assessment and business impact analysis. Write a draft memo to the president of the university explaining the need for a business continuity plan. Be sure to include your recommendations on how you would implement a successful plan.
Several areas of web design and development : The textbook identified several areas of Web design and development. Sum up the most important concept that you learned in 160 characters or less.


Write a Review

Managerial Economics Questions & Answers

  Linear programming problem

Linear programming is a mathematical technique used to determine the optimal solutions to certain specific problems.

  Demand, supply and the market equilibrium

The article study for the demand, supply and the market equilibrium has been discussed. The article that has been review was published on August 2012.

  Supply and demand in professional sports

Draw the individual cost curves on one graph: marginal cost, average total cost, average ?xed cost, and average variable cost. Place costs ($) on the y-axis and quantity (Q) on the x-axis.

  Explain whether the firm will make economic profit

Explain whether the firm will make economic profit, In the short run and In the long run.

  Determine the official measure of the deficit

Determine the official measure of the deficit

  Coordination of the activities of a business

The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

  What is the profit maximizing number of gizmo widgets

What is the profit maximizing number of Gizmo Widgets that should be introduced? Be sure to account for the fact that Gizmo Widgets displace other kinds of widgets. Again, be sure you provide a brief explanation of your approach/reasoning.

  Determine autocorrelation function of a rectangular pulse

Prepare the sketch the Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse of amplitude 10 V and width 0.1 second that is centered on the zero time axis. Determine the autocorrelation function of a rectangular pulse.

  Managerial economics assignment

Carry out an analysis from the standpoint of both EMV and expected utility to establish Jeremiah’s best course of action, including a consideration of his bidding strategy with regard to the auction.

  Prepare a marginal cost analysed income statement for 2014

Prepare a Marginal Cost Analysed Income Statement for 2014 from the above data to identify total and individual medical procedure contributions and profits.

  Prepare a marginal cost analysed income statement for 2014

Prepare a Marginal Cost Analysed Income Statement for 2014 from the above data to identify total and individual medical procedure contributions and profits.

  Solve managerial economics questions

MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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