How well has the group performed a market analysis

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Reference no: EM133547579

Poster Development

Your group has already selected a brand

- Conduct a market and situational (ie Internal and external) analyses

- For Australia, but it is acceptable to use ‘proxy' information especially when actual figures for Australia are unavailable

- Develop the SWOT matrix

- Develop substantiated recommendations to increase the market share in Australia only.

How well has the group performed a market and situational analysis, including the use of appropriate tools such as PESTEL, comparative 4Ps analyses, etc.

How well has the group developed the SWOT analyses and outcomes

Have potential opportunities to increase market share been identified and how sound and creative are the recommendations to tap the

Page 1 - All analyses, such as PESTEL, marketing Ps analyses, competitive analyses, etc..

Page 2 - As above (if needed); SWOT analyses.
- SWOT analyses should be at least ½ of the page
- SWOT analyses must clearly describe/outline how the points are derived from the internal/external analyses.

Page 3 - Recommendations
- Provide 3-6 recommendations
- At least 1 recommendation should be CSR-related
- For each recommendation, first explain WHY by pointing to the analyses in page 1-2 and the SWOT outcomes in p.2
- Then explain the HOW ie. what should the firm do.

Page 4 - References only
- In-text citations are necessary
- APA 7th style; consult UniSA Library's website

- Expect about 10-20 references, with in-text citations
- Include some academic journals and business periodicals like Harvard Business Review

- Which tools are suited for the analyses
- Some components of a tool may be irrelevant; don't ‘force' an answer unnecessarily
- What secondary information are available to support your analyses
- Focus on pertinent information, especially for the analyses.
- When analysing the Ps, compare against competitors' Ps
- Is it possible to visit/see the actual brand?

- Propose marketing or marketing-relevant recommendations only
- Optimise the use of space

Consider the actual prevailing environmental conditions e.g., economic situation, high inflation, pandemic, etc..

Reference no: EM133547579

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10/16/2023 12:55:21 AM

You have to do only SWOT analysis like 2-3 recemondation and 1 or 2 reference just send me the content no need to make poster

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