How well do the results align with the initial research

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM133559730

Question: Based on the journal article: "How does green credit affect the financial performance of commercial banks? - Evidence from China" of Yonghui Lian, Jieying Gao, Tao Ye. How well do the results align with the initial research question or hypothesis, and to what extent do they contribute to the understanding of the topic?

Reference no: EM133559730

Questions Cloud

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Should the united states act as world police : Do you think intervention works? Should the United States (or any other country) act as world police? Explain your rationale.
How well do the results align with the initial research : How well do the results align with the initial research question or hypothesis, and to what extent do they contribute to the understanding of the topic?
What is pauls rate of return on his short sale : A year from now the stock pays $ 18/share in dividends, the stock price is $ 370/share and Paul closes his position. What is Paul's rate of return on his short
What components are involved in systems thinking : What components are involved in systems thinking? How does systems thinking increase personal and professional effectiveness?
What are the significant events in the history of biowarfare : HSE 420- In 500 words, answer the following question: What are the significant events in the history of biowarfare? What makes them significant?
Where would you estimate the business is currently operating : Using where you currently work, or an establishment where you worked before, where would you estimate the business is currently operating in the context


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