Reference no: EM133216460
Goal: To exhibit commutative knowledge, skills, and attitudes conducive to educating all students, including those with disabilities, in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
At a minimum, the development of personal philosophy statement should explicate:
a) What do one thinks about inclusive education in relation to the IDEA mandate for FARE in the LRE?
b) How do one see the basic values of our society being either being advanced or challenged through the inclusion of students with special needs in the general education classroom?
c) How do one major personal values influence you as a teacher of all students-including students with special needs?
d) What does one consider the primary role of a special education teacher in relation to general education teachers addressing the diverse needs of all students - including students with special needs?
e) How well do one thinks the statement of educational philosophy will stand the test of time? How well will it apply to public education twenty years from now?
Reference: Supporting the success of Uniquely Abled learners