Reference no: EM131135126
The purpose of this assignment is to explore how national homeland security policy objectives and national strategy relate to effective homeland security strategic planning. You work for U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the department has just completed a major hiring initiative in your area. Now you have many new coworkers, and most of them know little about DHS's mission and strategic planning for achieving homeland security strategic goals and objectives, both at the national and the departmental levels. To assist your coworkers in understanding these strategic issues, you have been directed to write an article for your organization's employee newsletter. Using the resources provided below, as well information from resources you identify through your own research efforts, your assignment is to craft an article of 900-1,200 words that focuses on the instructions posed below.
Assignment Guidelines
Assumption: Your new coworkers know little about homeland security strategic planning efforts at both the DHS and national level.
Address the following in 900-1,200 words:
Assignment: Your assignment is to develop an article that provides succinct information appropriate for your audience on homeland security strategic planning, so that your coworkers better understand homeland security strategic planning efforts at both the DHS and national level. Your article should address the following:
What is the current state of departmental-level DHS strategic planning?
How well is the department's strategic planning linked to DHS's mission?
How does the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) impacting the department's long-range planning efforts?
How has department-level homeland security strategic planning evolved since the department was formed?
What are your thoughts on the future of homeland security strategic planning?
Conclude your article with the 5 most significant concepts and ideas that you think your coworkers should remember after reading your article.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
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