How web applications are used to manage supply chain

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131734819


The word count of this assignment must be between 2000 -2500 words. The Assignment can include Charts,Tables and relevant Snap shots..etc Each Individual need to find any One Virtual Organization. With respect to the organisation the following Questions need to be surveyed and answered.

1.About the Virtual Organisation

a. Organisation Name and profile.

b. Organisation Process.

c. Narrate the benefits of adopting the Organisation in to Virtual.

2. How web applications are used to manage and monitor supply chain in your organisation.

3. Explain how the integration of CRM, SRM, and e-ERP systems in the organisation.

4. Discuss the issues encountered in implementing the cloud technologies in the supply chain.

5. What are the Current Challenges in the Management of your Virtual Organization and give your suggestions to overcome the challenging issues.

Reference no: EM131734819

Questions Cloud

What is the meaning of logistics : What is the meaning of logistics? How do firms go about planning and analyzing their logistics capabilities?
Discuss health care disparities : According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH), health care disparities
Maintaining a company competitive advantage : What value chain activities might be important in securing or maintaining a company's competitive advantage?
Solve the graph problem : f(x) = x square. graph g(x) by translating the graph of f - g(x)
How web applications are used to manage supply chain : How web applications are used to manage and monitor supply chain in your organisation. How the integration of CRM, SRM, and e-ERP systems in the organisation.
Some ways a pizza delivery company uses : What are some ways a pizza delivery company uses fail-safing in to deliver their service? Provide at least three examples?
People management at a large consulting firm based in nyc : You are the senior VP in charge of People Management at a large consulting firm based in NYC.
Purchaing and supply chain management : Describe some of the hidden costs of outsourcing? How can companies better capture these costs?
Explains the relationship between finance and accounting : Write a paper of 500 words that explains relationship between finance and accounting, and how they operate to determine financial viability within organization.


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