How we can use existing research to propose

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Reference no: EM133484593

Question: To prepare for our literature review, focus on how we can use existing research to propose new literature as well as to discuss the limitations of studies we are reviewing. For this assignment, please submit the following.

A link to the research study you are reviewing
Please identify an area of future inquiry (in other words, what is a new research question that can be posed after reviewing this study?) and explain the contribution answering this research question would have to this field.

Please also identify at least one limitation of the study you have read. Explain how the limitation could be addressed. (For example sampling errors, ambiguous definitions of variables, or inconclusive data may limit the findings of a particular study).

Conclusion. How does identifying the future areas of inquiry and limitations of a study better prepare our literature reviews of our selected topic?

Reference no: EM133484593

Questions Cloud

Why peik off fear that medicare will enslave the doctors : Why peik off fear that medicare will enslave the doctors.
Feminism in the 21st century : Many argue that feminism has become irrelevant and that the culture in the U.S. has moved beyond sexism or any sort of male hierarchy,
What is the morally better world : If you could support your answer with reasons and should discuss how this scenario threatens to undermine the standpoint of hedonism.
Describe the categorical imperative : Describe the Categorical Imperative. Be sure to include a description of how Kant derives the principle from an understanding
How we can use existing research to propose : How we can use existing research to propose new literature as well as to discuss the limitations of studies we are reviewing. For this assignment
Concept of internal morality : By the concept of "internal morality," Pellegrino means that people should follow their own moral codes and not listen to the morality of their society.
Evil cabal of three-headed monkeys orbiting planet : I think it's because an evil cabal of three-headed monkeys orbiting a planet in some far away galaxy are toying with his mind just for fun.
How a situation would exist in the workplace : Describe how you would deal with this problem (also consider that this employee may not be the only one you should be dealing with)
School is conducive to team work and collaboration : When the environment at the school is conducive to team work and collaboration, mentoring is more likely to happen.


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