Reference no: EM13963684
Researching Your Species
The non native species that i need to research is called English IVY, you should research the species base on the following statement, don't forget using the APA format. and i will post one of my groupmates work let u take a look.
If you are posting on the Non-native species:
Scientific and common name for species
Where in the world is the species originally from?
Include the following points about the ecology of your non-native species for each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year):
Habitat requirements
Interactions with other species (does it utilize another species? does it compete with another species?)
Adaptions to the environment
Why is the species successful outside of its native habitat? for each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year):
a) How was the species introduced to southern California?
b) Does it have available habitat to colonize? Why? (Loss of natives? Fire?)
c) Does it have plenty of resources, why?
2. Our group non-native species is Ivy. Its scientific name is Hedera helix L and its common name is common Ivy and English Ivy.
3. Ivy is native to western, central and southern Europe.
4. 1) Areas that this plant occupies include deciduous forest edges, woodlands,hedgerows, coastal areas, salt marsh edges, and other upland
areas. These areas have just the right soil type for English Ivy: wet, but not extremely wet.In its habitat, English Ivy is usually surrounded by larger organisms that it can crawl up.
2) English Ivy's main interaction with other plants is the tree. With no preference to what kind of tree it is, the ivy will climb to the top in order to be close to the sunlight. After intense growth, the ivy eventually reaches a point where it blocks the tree's light completely. The tree is then weakened, and there is a tendency for trees in this physical state to easily blow down during times of high precipitation and winds.
3)English Ivy is known for its ability to climb to the top. Because it tends to grow in shady, forested areas, it developed its ability to move up vertical surfaces to get closer to the sun to complete photosynthesis and to spread across the ground for nutrients.
4) 1) European colonists introduced English ivy as early as 1727. It is widely planted for its evergreen foliage and dependability as a year-round "carefree" groundcover. Although recognized as a serious weed of natural ecosystems, parks, landscapes and other areas, it continues to be sold and marketed as an ornamental plant in the United States.
2) English ivy is found throughout the eastern U.S. and in the West where it occurs from Arizona to Washington State. It flourishes under shady to full sun conditions in soils that are moderately fertile and moist but it is intolerant of drought and salinity. Habitats invaded include forest openings and edges, fields, cliffs, steep slopes, and disturbed areas.
3) Yes it has plenty of resources because English ivy is an aggressive invader that threatens all vegetation levels of forested and open areas, growing along the ground as well as into the forest canopy.
5) Citation :
5. Tredwell, E. (n.d.). Hedera helix (common ivy). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from (Links to an external site.)
6. Hitchins, A. (n.d.). Invasive Weed Survey Trip in the Arroyo Seco. Retrieved February 02, 2016, from (Links to an external site.)
7. Johnson, B. (2011, November 11). English Ivy (Hedera helix). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from (Links to an external site.)