Reference no: EM133144037
Interview a manager at any level who has been involved in change with his/her organization. Ask the person to describe the change, what s/he was trying to accomplish and what happened. Use the following questions as guides for the interview:
• How was the desired change identified? What was the reason for the change?
• Describe the gap between the organization's current performance and the desire future state?
• What was the vision for the change? How was that vision communicated throughout the organization?
• How were the formal structures, systems, and processes involved in the change?
• How were the recipients of change and other key stakeholders engaged in order to get them on board with the change?
• What tools and trainings were used as the change was implemented and how did the leadership make the change stick?
• What challenges surfaced that weren't accounted for in the original change plan?
• What were the results of the change process? Did the results reflect the original vision? How was measurement used to facilitate change at different stages of the process?
Reflection post-interview:
• As you reflect back on the interview, which do you feel was more important to the impact of the change: how things were changed or what was changed? How effectively was the manager able to influence stakeholders involved in the change process?
• What are some action-oriented recommendations (at least 2) that you would give this manager that would help him or her improve the process (how) to change in the future?