How volcano responsible for valley of ten thousand smokes

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Reference no: EM133205938 , Length: Word count: 3 Pages

Assignment Problem: Exploring Global Volcanoes

Let's explore some volcanoes of the world and understand their processes, activity, and potential for human catastrophe.

Using the kmz file in the Petrology Assignments folder titled "Volcanoes of the World - Global Volcanism Program", research and answer the following questions. Provide a screen shot of the volcano or site that supports your work.

1. In the search bar type Mount Katmai. If you go to Katmai National Park the actual volcano is located to the south. Describe the volcano including its eruption history. Was it responsible for the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes?

2. OK, what is the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes? Describe the volcano responsible for the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.

3. The Aleutian Islands are a chain of islands that extends off the coast of Alaska towards Russia. Why those are islands there and are there any other volcanos in this vicinity?

4. Find the volcano Nyos in Cameroon. This volcano is part of a chain of volcanos that extend from the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean into the African continent interior. These volcanos all have the same characteristic. What is this characteristic and has it impacted humans at Nyos?

5. Why is there a chain of volcanos in Eastern Africa that extends from Lake Victoria to the southern Red Sea? What are their characteristics?

6. There is researchers currently work in Costa Rica in proximity to the volcanos Arenal and Poas. Please describe these two volcanos and are they the only ones in Costa Rica?

7. Zoom to Mount St. Helens in the United States. By interpreting the aerial photography in Google Earth is there any evidence that the volcano has erupted in the recent past? Do some research on this volcano and discuss the process of its latest eruption. I expect at least a page of text that describes the geology, volcano type, type of magma, and the eruption.

8. Does the United States Geological Survey monitor Mount St. Helens and other volcanos around Mt. St. Helens?

Reference no: EM133205938

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