Reference no: EM133124016
Workshop Activity
Given below is the programming exercise from Week 4, Question 5.
Create an application to store the contact details. A Contact should contain first name, last name, email, and phone number (others can be added). The first names of Contacts should be displayed in a listview. When the user selects a name from the listview, the contact details should be displayed in a grid of TextFields or a Table. As the information is modified (a Contact's Data is updated, a new Contact is added or an existing Contact is deleted), the contacts listview should display the updated list of names.
Note: You use the solution available for Week 4 Tutorial Question Five.
Include exception handling for TextFields for entering first name, last name and phone number so that names will not contain any numbers, phone number should not contain any alphabets.
Wrtie a Java program to save the contacts created to binary file named phone.dat using ObjectOutPutStream and read and display the data from the file.
Question 1. If no exceptions are thrown in a try block, where does control proceed to, when the try block completes execution?
Question 2. Write a program that demonstrates how various exceptions are caught with catch (Exception exception) Define classes Exception A (which inherits from class Exception) and ExceptionB (which inherits from class ExceptionA). In your program, create try blocks that throw exceptions of types ExceptionA, ExceptionB, NullPointerException and IOException. All exceptions should be caught with catch blocks specifying type Exception.
Question 3. Write a Java program with a GUI. The program reads data from an existing data file named staffphone.csv and displays all data on the text area properly after the button "Display" is pressed. The data in the file staffphone.csv have the following format
John Pearson, 49308877
Peter London, 49446701
Amy Andersen, 45009923
In addition, the program also displays total number of the phone entry on the text area.