How value-at-risk affect investing for a manufacturing firm

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131432643

Module Written Assignment - Measuring Risk

For this assignment, you will write a three to four page research paper in which you describe at least three ways in which risks are measured, including value-at-risk and credit scoring, in a manufacturing business. In this paper, please address the following questions:

• How does Value-at-Risk affect investing for a manufacturing firm?
• How might a manufacturing business be affected by credit scoring?
• What other investment and financial risks are associated with manufacturing?
• How might the investment and financial risks of your manufacturing firm be mitigated?
• Does the firm have an effective plan for managing risks? Explain.


Review the APA Citation Online Guide for assistance with citing sources using APA format.

• Be sure to include an introductory paragraph at the beginning and a concluding paragraph at the end of your paper.
• Because your paper is required to be more than one page in length, you should use subject headings to label your paper as appropriate.
• Keep in mind that this is a research paper; and, as such, should be informed by your research articles.
• Be sure to include APA citations to support your assertions and to inform your paper.
• You will need to include a reference page with this paper.
• Be sure to proofread your paper to ensure that is free from all grammar and spelling errors.

Reference no: EM131432643

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