Reference no: EM131156959
1. Creating a Piano with the Arduino
Lab 5a:
• Watch the video: "Exploring Arduino" Chapter 5 Demo: Pentatonic Piano (
• Construct the breadboard circuit and implement the program presented in the video and Chapter 5 (pp.102-105) of your textbook to implement the Pentatonic Micro Piano.
Lab 5b:
Expanding on Lab 5a, design a circuit and Arduino program that accomplishes the following:
3. Implements all of the functionality of the Pentatonic Micro Piano.
4. Use an array as described in Chapter 5 (pp. 99-101) to simplify your sketch on determining the buttons pressed.
5. Add the RGB, yellow, Blue, and Green LEDS to create a separate LED or joint LEDs (RGB LED) and resistors to light for each note when the pushbutton is pressed.
6. Include a video of your circuit in operation and any computer screenshots during its operation. Please include your Grantham ID number in the video to show your work.
Send your code file (.ino) of the lab completed and operational as well for credit.
• Explain the process you used in this lab to arrive at the final design of both the hardware portion and the software portion to achieve the design objectives.
• Provide an analysis of the Tone() function. What are its input parameters and its output?
• Discuss how the use of array processing is enabled by use of For Loops
With your answers, please submit your code, a video of your circuit and any computer screenshots during its operation. Please include your Grantham ID number in the video to show your work.
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