How uncertainty related to customer desirability

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM132312948 , Length: word count : 2000


You want one ppt and one report. Report of 2000 words excluding title page and reference. Minimum 10 latest reference in apa style reference. With this You want one ppt on same company. Company is Toyota. You need exactly same report and ppt but the company is toyota.

Assessment Overview

This assessment must be completed by student groups. Students will be networking to form the groups. The assessment is designed for students to develop and pitch a business case in a real-world setting.

The business case must be for an innovation of your choice within a specific organisation. The assessment involves writing a 2000 word group business case report and pitching the report's main arguments and its content at a group presentation session in class (on-campus students) or video presentation (distance students). The presentation should be of roughly 12 minutes duration (depending on student numbers).

Students must be networking to form the groups. Students are required to self-select into and form groups of 3 to 4 students, maximum of 5 students. On-campus students confirm groups with the assigned lecturer. Distance students confirm groups via email with the unit coordinator. This activity is to be completed by week 5.

You will have the opportunity to work on the business case with your group in class from week 6. To obtain marks for assessment 2, students must actively contribute to and participate in the creation of the group's report and actively contribute to and participate in the presentation of their group's report. Please note that academic misconduct and late submission penalties will apply to this assessment as per the university policies.

Assessment Criteria

Your group report and presentation will be assessed according to the following criteria. Your group report must demonstrate:

1. Logical and persuasive articulation of: the problem to be solved; problem insight; portfolio of generated solution ideas; solution selection
analysis; targeted customers; value proposition benefits; business model description; value proposition development and delivery; financial
value capture and strategic fit.

2. Logical and persuasive argumentation in regards to how uncertainty related to customer desirability; technical feasibility; and financial viability is addressed.

3. Clear flow of thought throughout the report with: a convincing executive summary; clear and succinct purpose described in the introduction; and a clear and succinct conclusion.

4. Balanced teamwork as documented in the report appendices: team formation; team charter development; team role allocation; and meeting attendance. 5. Critical review skills and integration of relevant academic and profession literature. A minimum of ten (10) academic references must be used. Appropriate in text referencing and reference list. Adherence to CQ University APA reference style.

6 Clarity of expression, grammar and spelling. Appropriate report format within (±10%) of the word limit: 2000 words.

Attachment:- Integrated Care Business Case.rar

Reference no: EM132312948

Questions Cloud

Inflation for red apples greater than or less than the cpi : Is the rate of inflation for red apples greater than or less than the CPI over the same period of time? What about green apples?
Compensating wage differential : Give an example of a compensating wage differential, a risk premium, or some kind of long-run equilibrium price difference your company faces.
Economies or diseconomies of scale : Economies of Scale Describe an activity, process, or product of your company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of scale.
Process to construct original personal leadership metaphor : Define process to construct original personal leadership metaphor. Draw in outside material from career portfolio, leadership assessments, performance feedback
How uncertainty related to customer desirability : MGMT20132 - Innovation and Sustainable Business Development-Central Queensland University Australia-How uncertainty related to customer desirability.
Create an outline for your marketing plan : You will create an outline for your Marketing Plan based on the Final Project: Mini-Marketing Plan. Use the bolded Marketing Plan sections as headings
Prepare common-size financial statements of income statement : Prepare Common-Size financial statements of income statement and balance sheet. Prepare Statement of Cash Flows. Prepare the income statement for 2016 and 2017.
Economic possibilities for our grandchildren : 1. In the essay, "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren," written in 1930, John Maynard
Provision of education by government : 1. What arguments are typically used to justify the funding and provision of education by government?



5/28/2019 2:37:09 AM

Submit your business case report with a cover sheet showing: report title, business name, unit number and name, assessment number, names and student ID of the group members. The assessment submission must be made online on the unit website in Moodle. Note that only one (1) team member is to upload the files to the unit website in Moodle. I want one ppt and one report. Report of 2000 words excluding title page and reference. Minimum 10 latest reference in apa style reference. With this I want one ppt on same company. Company is Toyota. Here I attach one reference ppt and report. I need exactly same report and ppt but the company is toyota.

Write a Review

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