How two leadership modules changed your representation

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132261885

1) Strategic Talent Management Assignment -

Choose one challenging people situation you have been personally involved in the past. Explain how you would go differently about it using the learnings from the class. 1500/2000 words.

This assignment must be related to the information that is on the attached document Strategic Talent Management.

FYI, the person I am helping with the assignment was:

  • Engineer in the oil industry (worked at Shell in Gabon)
  • Head of the biggest trade union in the oil industry in Gabon
  • CEO of Gabon Oil Company, the major governmental body in the oil industry in Gabon
  • He then became Minister of Labor (he got fired after 4 months from that position as he wanted to give more possibilities to the Gabonese to get a job instead of always calling for foreign expatriates. The Oil industry lobby pushed to fire him).
  • After he got fired from the Ministry of Labor, they put him as Minister of the Youth and Equal Opportunities. He stayed there for about 7 months.
  • He is now since January, Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure.

2) Leadership Assignment -

"How have the two leadership modules changed your representation of leadership and your approach to leadership? 2 pages

Here are below a few details on what is expected. You can use the information I have given you about the guy.

Among the subjects that MUST be dealt in the assignment are:

  • The leader and the appropriation of his role
  • The leader in a management team. To lead is to know how to position oneself within a management team, to understand how it works and how to influence decisions.
  • The leader and the change. Leading and knowing how to mobilize collective energies to drive transformations
  • The leader and the conduct of transformations. Leading is not only knowing how to define the best strategies but also knowing how to drive their implementation and the changes needed to make them a reality. The leaders of today and tomorrow will be more and more "game changers", knowing how to mobilize the energies around them and implement projects humanly and economically satisfactory.

The requested assignment is a personal synthesis of the two modules of leadership and allows you to link the theory and your own management practice with your working partners.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132261885

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3/19/2019 11:48:07 PM

Strategic Talent Management Assignment - NOTE: Answers should be based on the presentations, case studies, documents and readings provided with the course (or from any other source: other EMBA courses, books, internet articles...) and your own personal experience. The grade will depend upon the quality of your analysis and your ability to use concepts and theories. Leadership Assignment - The requested assignment is a personal synthesis of the two modules of leadership and allows you to link the theory and your own management practice with your working partners. It must be written and do not exceed two pages. Please let me know if you can do the work.

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