How to write statements for joins

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131702717


This assignment aims at enhancing your skills of using complex SQL statements to solve more realistic business problems. Work through each section in the SQL queries and subqueries tutorial, pay special attention on how to write statements for joins and use operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS.

Oracle SQL Queries and Subqueries

Document your work with screen shots of SQL queries and the results of executing the queries. You are encouraged to come up with your own queries based on what the tutorial has explained.

Submit a 2-5 page summary of your work which discusses your experience. Put this document and the file containing your screen shots into one zip file, and submit it.

Reference no: EM131702717

Questions Cloud

Determine the best plan for betsy : Compare the plans provided and determine the best plan for Betsy. Remember to consider deductibles and general costs for the services she would be using.
Present an analysis of the value chain of the product : You are required to present an analysis of the value chain of the product category of your organisation
What is djh expected cost of stock : What is DJH's expected cost of stock? Short your answer to the nearest .1%. Show your answer as a whole number, thus 4.2% should be 4.2 rather than .042.
What is the company cost of equity : Malkin Corp. has no debt but can borrow at 5.75 percent. The firm's WACC is currently 10 percent, and there is no corporate tax.
How to write statements for joins : Enhancing your skills of using complex SQL statements. How to write statements for joins and use operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS.
Discuss how can a client be assured of project completion : If you were the Project Manager, how would you handle this situation. How can a client be assured of satisfactory project completion
What is the purpose of a cash flow statement : How does Supply and Demand factor into housing prices and rental prices? What does "Market Rent" depend on? What is the purpose of a "Cash Flow Statement"?
Develop an advertising campaign for a brand : Evaluate the unfilled product niche, focusing on the demands of a specific market segment(s). Analyze the likely market segment(s) .
Prepare adjusting journal entry for uncollectible accounts : Sales (cash sales of $210,270 and remaining credit) - $591,050. Prepare the adjusting journal entry for estimated uncollectible accounts on January 31, 2015


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