How to use outcomes from a variety of assessment types

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Reference no: EM133679021

Assignment: Utilizing Assessment & Instructional Strategies for Language & Content Instruction- TESOL Class


Since teachers of ELLs are responsible for providing language and content instruction and assessing them both, it is important that teachers utilize and differentiate research-based instructional and assessment strategies so that student progress is monitored. While there is an emphasis on differentiated instructional strategies, often differentiated assessments are not emphasized. Just as students learn in different ways, they also demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in different ways.

You have been asked by your principal to create a 45-minute interactive professional development presentation for teachers working in ELL/bilingual instructional settings.

Create a 10 to 12 slide digital presentation providing strategies for differentiated instruction and assessments that support ELLs' language learning and content knowledge. Include the following in your presentation:

1) How to use outcomes from a variety of assessment types for assessing ELLs to guide language and content instruction. In addition to classroom-based assessments, include an explanation of how assessment results from English language proficiency assessments and standardized tests can guide instruction.

2) Two examples of differentiated instruction for each language domain (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Include why they are effective according to research.

3) Four differentiated instructional strategies teachers can utilize in content areas. Include why they are effective according to research.

4) Four formative assessment strategies for language development which can be differentiated for ELLs and used for monitoring student growth and the planning of future differentiated learning experiences. Include why they are effective according to research.

5) Four formative assessment strategies for content knowledge which can be differentiated for ELLs and used for monitoring student growth and the planning of future differentiated learning experiences. Include why they are effective according to research.

Support your presentation with a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Presenter's notes are required for each content slide. Presentation must include a title slide at the beginning, and a reference slide with documentation of resources at the end. The title slide and reference slide are not included in the total number of slides.

Include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Reference no: EM133679021

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