How to use jquery mobile data attributes

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131591812

Now that you've learned how to use jQuery Mobile Data Attributes, create a full page containing the following attributes:

The data-role="page" is the page displayed in the browser

The data-role="header" creates a toolbar at the top of the page (often used for title or search buttons)

The data-role="main" defines the content of the page, like text, images, buttons, forms, etc.

The "ui-content" class adds extra padding and margin inside the page content

The data-role="footer" creates a toolbar at the bottom of the page

Inside these containers, you can add any HTML elements - paragraphs, images, headings, lists, and so on.

submit a Microsoft Word document to the drop box that contains your name, a brief description of the assignment, and the URL you used for submission.

Reference no: EM131591812

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