How to use emotional-logical appeals in persuasive messages

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133408820


Your presentation must be between 10-13 minutes in duration. It is important to stick to this time as you will lose marks for going over or under the required time.

Teams can choose to present on one of the following topics (each topic can only be chosen for a maximum of TWO groups - if the topic is already taken on the sign-up sheet the max number of times, pick another topic):

A - How Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is used to make an emotional appeal in advertising messages. (You must present and analyze at least TWO to THREE examples of advertising messages to illustrate your topic)

B - How the AIDA model is used in Advertising (Sales, Marketing) Messages.(You must present and analyze at least TWO to THREE examples of advertising messages to illustrate your topic)

C - How to use Emotional and Logical appeals in persuasive messages.(You must present and analyze at least TWO to THREE examples of messages to illustrate your topic)

D - Choose four great public speakers from the business or political world either from the past or present. Show examples of each and explain why each was such an effective speaker/communicator.

E - What is Communication Model 1.0, Communication Model 2.0 and Communication Model 3.0 and how has business communication evolved with each Model. Present and explain clear examples for each.

Reference no: EM133408820

Questions Cloud

Research the company record in the area of csr : Research the company's record in the area of CSR. Be sure to look at both their domestic and well as international reputation.
Role of simd processors in solving scientific problems : Discuss the role of different SIMD processors in solving scientific problems. Give the reasons to choose SIMD over MIMD.
Discuss the different types of knowledge sharing systems : Discuss the different types of knowledge sharing systems. Explain the lessons learned process.
Identify two types of specialists-1 legal and 1 regulatory : Identify two types of specialists, 1 legal and 1 regulatory that Brett could contact to obtain advice on the rights and responsibilities of the organisation.
How to use emotional-logical appeals in persuasive messages : How the AIDA model is used in Advertising (Sales, Marketing) Messages. How to use Emotional and Logical appeals in persuasive messages.
How way physical environment has been influence interactions : Observe how the way the physical environment has been created to influence the interactions and/or behaviors of the people who are using the space.
Analyze the issue of relationships in a digital age : Analyze the issue of relationships in a digital age and link it to the broader discussion about how our "information society" has evolved.
What do you think allowed the turbulence to occur : What do you think allowed the turbulence to occur? How were boundaries re-coordinated afterward (if at all)?
Importance of understanding the effects of stress-burnout : Write a mini-essay describing the importance of understanding the effects of stress, burnout and self-care as they relate to being a counselor or therapist.


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