Reference no: EM133359793
1. Register an account with the web host you chose by following their instructions.
2. Follow the web host site instructions for creating a website.
3. Build the home page. This page should contain brief description of yourself and your education so far. The description should be at least three sentences and should include your positive traits. You should also include favorite hobbies, TV shows, or music you would like to share. Make look nice, and use images or other media if you can find them. Your education should include what you'e done at Penn Foster so far as well as any other education you've achieved.
4. Build the contact page. This page should include an email address you don't mind sharing and any other online contact information. If you use LinkedIn or Twitter, you can include those accounts. Do not include your phone number or any other personal information that you don't feel comfortable sharing.
5. Build the blog page. This page should include least three blog entries describing what you learned in the course.
This could range from basic Internet or web knowledge to how to use cascading stylesheets.
6. When you have finished with your pages, follow the web host's publishing instructions so that they're available.