How to use and install the smart home assistive tech

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133455718


Does Visions (in NYC) help their visually impaired clients access and install smart home assistive technology? What kind of assistive smart home technology do they sell or facilitate? Do they train clients on how to use and install the smart home assistive tech? Does NYFB go to the clients' homes and install the smart home assistive technology? Which other programs/organizations do they partner with? (Cite sources that go beyond the Visions website - links should go to pages that work and are relevant - no AI generated responses please)

Reference no: EM133455718

Questions Cloud

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What do customers need to buy your product : What do customers need to buy your product? (It must be innovative and demonstrate that customers need it to forecast a sales plan).
Does helen keller national center for deaf-blind children : Does the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Children and Adults (in NYC) help their visually impaired clients access.
Analyse one issue and discuss why the event occurred : analyse ONE issue and discuss why the event occurred, factors which contributed and the consequences. describe the stakeholders impacted now and in the future
How to use and install the smart home assistive tech : What kind of assistive smart home technology do they sell or facilitate? Do they train clients on how to use and install the smart home assistive tech?
What are some of the key features and benefits : What are some of the key features and benefits of incorporating maps into business intelligence dashboards and reports?
Evaluation of current innovations : Evaluation of current innovations: Critically evaluate any two current innovations selected from your allocated 'Product category' within the Australian
What types of things will motivate you in your career : Name at least five things. Where would these fit on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory.
What is argument for corporate social responsibility : What is the single strongest argument against idea of corporate social responsibility? What is single strongest argument for corporate social responsibility?


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