How to update web pages using navy for unvisited link

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1383137

The Marketing Director at Steel Solutions is unhappy that links on company Web page appear in blue when unvisited and purple when visited, as those are logo colors of their closest competitor. She has asked you to update Web pages to use navy for unvisited links, olive for visited links, and red for active links.

Develop Web Page on page HTM in Shelley textbook, with three text links to Web page in external Web site. Add suitable link attributes in body tag to define link colors as requested by marketing director.

Reference no: EM1383137

Questions Cloud

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How to update web pages using navy for unvisited link : The Marketing Director at Steel Solutions is unhappy that links on company Web page appear in blue. She has asked you to update Web pages to use navy for unvisited link.
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