How to undertake simple queries on a vector attribute data

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Reference no: EM131788489


Introduction -

The purpose of the exercise is to take you through the conversion of data between geographical units. More often than not the areas you have data for will not match the exact boundaries of the area you are interested in - for this reason you will need to approximate the data to fit your area of interest.

You will convert data on welfare claimants aggregated to 2001 CAS Wards to the boundary of the Lower Lea Valley and Olympic Site. The conversion will apportion the data using weights. You will carry out two apportionment techniques; the first using the area of the ward and the second using postcode data. The Olympic Site is located in the Lower Lea Valley which forms the boundary between the London boroughs of Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest and does not sit neatly within existing administrative boundaries. In this scenario the planners? aim is to get some idea of the level of unemployment in the area of the site. This will be used to determine how many people will be helped by the short and long term job creation driven by the Olympics.

The exercise will introduce you to several of the concepts discussed in the lectures including conversion between geographies, data quality and accuracy, combining socio economic data with geographic data and to some of the data sets mentioned.

Data -

Data files provided are:

  • The Olympic Site boundary was digitised from planning documents for the lower Lea Valley.
  • The 2001 CAS Ward boundaries are from Casweb website.
  • The postcodes are from EDINA and are derived from Codepoint data.
  • Data on welfare claimants (data set is "WelfareClaimants.txt") from the NOMIS website.

Task -

You will generate two new datasets. The first will apportion the existing data based on the area of the wards. The second will apportion the data based on postcodes of residential delivery points.

Download the data from Moodle to your N drive. The data will need unzipping.

Load the ward and Olympic site files into ArcMap. Select the CAS Wards which are covered by the Olympic Site by going to: Selection > select by location > select features from CAS Wards that intersect the features in Olympic Boundary.

Practical: Site Suitableity Analysis

In this practical we are going to use the spatial analysis capabilities of ArcMap in a traditional planning exercise. We need to identify the location(s) of and then determine the suitability of different sites for a development project. The project is to build a leisure and sports centre in the (old) county of Avon for use by schools and the local population. There are several criteria that must be satisfied in determining a suitable location for this development:

At the end of this practical you will have learnt:

  • How to undertake basic spatial analysis in a raster GIS
  • How to create a density surface from point data
  • How to derive slope data from a DEM in a raster GIS
  • How to generate a distance surface in a raster GIS
  • How to use Boolean logic in raster GIS analysis

Practical: Working with Vector Attribute Data

In this practical you will be learning how to query data in a vector GIS. You will be making non- spatial queries on a vector layer's attribute table and calculating descriptive statistics of the data. You will be undertaking simple summaries of the attribute data and creating new summary tables.

At the end of this practical you will have learnt:

  • How to undertake simple queries on a vector attribute data.
  • How to calculate basic descriptive and summary statistics on vector attribute data.

The data for this practical can be found on Moodle. Download and unzip "", and save it to your N:\ drive (i.e. your personal drive).

Firstly we are going to add some data that we can map. The data is held in a GIS layer called wards.shp and represents the electoral wards in Wales. These are used as administrative areas for which census data are available.

Practical: Spatial Queries and GIS

In this practical you will be learning how to make spatial queries in a vector GIS. You will be making simple and more advanced spatial queries on a vector layer's attribute table and calculating descriptive statistics of the data. You will also undertake a simple spatial join between two attribute tables.

At the end of this practical you will have learnt:

  • How to undertake simple and advanced spatial queries on a vector layer.
  • How to produce summary statistics on selected features in a layer.
  • How to join the data held in two attribute tables together.

The data for this practical can be found on Moodle. Download and unzip "", and save it to your N:\ drive (i.e. your personal drive).

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131788489

Questions Cloud

Describe the information in the specified file : For write appropriate class declarations to describe the information in the specified file. See the descriptions of these files at the end of this chapter.
How does minimize the company overall risk : Assume a company, correlated with the economy, is evaluating six projects, of which two are positively correlated with the economy.
What is the total cost of goods transferred out : What is the total cost of goods transferred out using the FIFO method
Describe the information in the specified file : For write appropriate class declarations to describe the information in the specified file. See the descriptions of these files at the end of this chapter.
How to undertake simple queries on a vector attribute data : Practical: Working with Vector Attribute Data. At the end of this practical you will have learnt: How to undertake simple queries on a vector attribute data
What is the total cost for the machinery : Munich Corp. acquired several non-current assets during the 20X5 fiscal year. What is the total cost for the machinery?
Appropriate discount rate based on coefficient of variation : It will invest $120 and receive the expected value of cash flows you computed in problem 1of $40. Assume those cash flows of $40 will be earned.
What journal entries would be appropriate : You are a newly certified public accountant recently. What journal entries would be appropriate at 12/31/2014 for each of these assets? Ignore tax implications.
Compute return on net operating assets : Compute return on net operating assets (RNOA) for 2013 and 2012. Net operating assets are $412,630 thousand in 2011.



12/29/2017 7:00:13 AM

The assignment is based on the syllabus attached. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of these 3 docs. Give me a shout for any clarifications ASAP. Another docs to help the GIS expert-Vector analysis ->class examples. The purpose of the exercise is to take you through the conversion of data between geographical units. More often than not the areas you have data for will not match the exact boundaries of the area you are interested in – for this reason you will need to approximate the data to fit your area of interest.


12/29/2017 7:00:06 AM

Essential Criteria - The development cannot be built upon land which has a slope of more than 2 degrees. The development cannot be within 1000 metres of A-Class roads and Motorways due to regulations concerning vehicle pollution and sports fields. The development has to be built within an area that has at least 1000 people per square kilometre to maximise potential local use. The area of land must be at least 1 sq kilometre in size to accommodate buildings, sport’s fields, car parks etc. Desirable Criterion - The development would also benefit if it were located within a short distance of a significant number of schools in the area.

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