How to stimulate underdeveloped areas

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133470058

Assignment: Suggestions for the Development of Tourist Destinations

The homework requirement is to take Fieschertal as the research object, and propose a constructive tourism plan for it. The direction of my plan and the feedback of the submitted homework are as follows. Please help me complete the homework based on these

Remarks, do not use copy content from previous assignments and do not use gpt

The word count requirement is 2500 words, the framework of the homework is basically the same as the previous homework, and combined with the feedback from the previous homework


Increasing competition in tourism and the necessity to find a proper niche + B2B in Fieschertal: the tours for companies and businesses

The fierce competition in Switzerland among multiple destinations; first tier cities, second tier destination + others... How to stimulate underdeveloped areas?

Reference no: EM133470058

Questions Cloud

Develop the strategy either for us market or another country : Develop the strategy either for the U.S. market or another country (select one country) focusing on segmentation, targeting, and positioning.
Explain why you excluded this diagnosis : Explain the specific factors of culture that are or may be relevant to the case and the diagnosis, which may include the cultural concepts of distress
Determine the positive opposite of whining : Determine the positive opposite of whining.
What is the ip address : What are optical fiber cables? Describe the cables and discuss the role that optical fiber cables play in the working of the Internet.
How to stimulate underdeveloped areas : The fierce competition in Switzerland among multiple destinations; first tier cities, second tier destination + others... How to stimulate underdeveloped areas?
Describe in detail how the clients symptoms match up : Describe in detail how the clients symptoms match up with the specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder (or all the disorders) that you finally selected
The process of converting short-term to long-term memory : The process of converting short-term to long-term memory is called. Which of the following would not be considered a psychoactive drug?
How the marijuana laws in your state affect your decision : Explain how the marijuana laws in your state affect your decision. Do the laws limit your discretionary power? How do the laws inhibit or rely on discretion?
Why are people deterred by project managements structure : Why are people deterred by project management's structure?


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