How to specializes in mergers

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13189001

You work at a firm on Wall Street that specializes in mergers, and you are the team leader in charge of getting approval for a merger between two major beer manufacturers in the US. The four-firm concentration ration for the 494 breweries operating in the US is 91 percent, your team has put together a report suggesting that the merger does not present antitrust concerns even though the two firms each enjoy a 15 percent share of the US market.

Reference no: EM13189001

Questions Cloud

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How to specializes in mergers : The four-firm concentration ration for the 494 breweries operating in the US is 91 percent, your team has put together a report suggesting that the merger does not present antitrust concerns even though the two firms each enjoy a 15 percent share ..
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