How to read improve life of child

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Reference no: EM133366012

We look at 3rd grade reading scores as a predictor of howmany prisons to build in the future. Kunjufu states, "Two consecutive years of bad teaching could destroy a child for life. School is the first place where most children learn to fail." Based on the lecture video and the three articles above, answer the following two questions.

1. How could knowing how to read improve the life of a child between the ages of 6-9? What type of activities could they participate in, enjoy or take advantage of if they know how to read? You may not include reading for the purposes of understanding any type of book, magazine or comics of any sort. Remember that reading is the least effective way for the brain to learn.

2. You teach 6th grade and most of your students want to be basketball players, rappers / rock stars or video back up dancers. What techniques can you do in the classroom to motivate your students to remain in school and be prepared to be productive citizens? Think outside of the box.

Reference no: EM133366012

Questions Cloud

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