How to protect your system from mobile code attack

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131516348

Computer Science- Security (Mobile Code)


Mobile code is great for adding powerful features and content, but has its drawbacks. E-mail goes directly to a speci?c address, so with these methods, a hacker can target a single organization or even a single person. Mobile code all have had a lot of thought put into making them secure, but the technology is so complex that security holes can be found in everyone. Even greater risks are introduced when two or more types of mobile code are allowed to interact with each other. Individually, they might be fairly safe, but when working in cooperation can cause loopholes in the security. VBScript and ActiveX are especially scary when used together, but new additions to Microsoft's e-mail clients are addressing these issues.


Discuss common forms of Mobile Code, potential vulnerabilities and how to protect your system from Mobile Code attack.

Your Task: Your initial posting must be between 250 - 300 words. In your posting make sure to provide substantive answers. By substantive we mean going beyond just providing an opinion; rather it means either identifying the relevancy (i.e., pros and cons) of the material and provide references as applicable.

Reference no: EM131516348

Questions Cloud

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Who is the most important person in history : Who is the most important person in history?Can we rely on the Bible for historical facts? For that matter, what about the Qu'ran, and other ancient texts?
How to protect your system from mobile code attack : Discuss common forms of Mobile Code, potential vulnerabilities and how to protect your system from Mobile Code attack.
Determine the key actions that you would take : Determine the key actions that you would take in order to ensure that Web applications are compliant with the applicable security standards.
What you think you should do to protect your work : What you think you should do to protect your work on the computer. Discussed back up plans and any devices that you use for the back up of your information.
Define regular expressions and explain their purpose : Define regular expressions and explain their purpose. Provide at least three examples which demonstrate the way regular expressions work.
Explain a peer-to-peer network verses client-server network : Explain a peer-to-peer network verses a client-server network.


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