Reference no: EM132430842
Assignment: Content-based classroom events can be a fun way to engage students and involve families in their children's education. Planning for such an event in your classroom is a big task and takes time and preparation. Preparing for assignments and events requires attention to detail, realistic and specific expectations, and practice.
Part 1: Outline
Select a grade level 5-8 and outline a lesson that integrates social studies and the arts, and turns the classroom into a wax museum as an instructional activity. The outline given to the students should provide the rationale for the assignment, explain the requirements to successfully complete the assignment, and describe how to present the wax museum to peers and families.
Include the following in the outline for the wax museum activity:
1. A state social studies standard and an arts standard.
2. Learning objectives
3. Description of how and where the wax museum will be presented, including how it successfully integrates two visual arts components (art, music, dance, drama).
4. Expectations for the student that explain the requirements, i.e., select a historical figure that has had an influence locally or globally.
5. How students will present selected figure visually and physically.
6. Guidelines for students on using technology to find and use information resources as preparation for the wax museum presentation.
7. The technological tools you would use to share this event with the school, families, and the community.
Part 2: Reflection
In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on how the wax museum outline could be successfully integrated into a future classroom. How does this assignment expand verbal communication techniques, including inquiry, collaboration, and student interaction?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Iris scanning-voice prints and face recognition
: Some common biometric techniques include: Fingerprint recognition, Signature dynamics, Iris scanning, Voice prints, Face recognition.
Analyze alignment among theoretical or conceptual framework
: Analyze alignment among the theoretical or conceptual framework, problem, purpose, research questions, and design. Refer to the Journal Articles document.
How integrating other content areas might engage students
: How integrating other content areas might engage students. How this lesson could support short-term and long-term instructional planning.
Drive organizational strategy
: Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?
How to present the wax museum to peers and families
: Select a grade level 5-8 and outline a lesson that integrates social studies and the arts, and turns the classroom into a wax museum as an instructional.
The open web application security project
: The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides a distillation of several of the most well known sets of computer security principles;
What are elements and intentions of each research design
: You will write a short paper or deliver a presentation summarizing what you have learned about the three basic categories of research design.
What are the drawbacks of decriminalizing
: Should law enforcement and the court system spend time and resources pursuing people who engage in such activities for their own personal motivations?
Deconstruct the alignment of the chosen lesson plan
: In 250-500 words, deconstruct and critique the alignment of the chosen lesson plan to the standard. Your critique should answer the following questions.