How to name the associative entities

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133202


Emerging Electric wishes to produce a database with the following entities and attributes:

1. Customer, with attributes Customer_ID, Name, Address (Street, City, State, Zip code), Telephone

2. Location, with attributes Location_ID, Address (Street, City, State, Zip code), Type (values of Business or Residential)

3. Rate; with attributes RateClass, Rateperkwh
After interviews with the owners, you have come up with the following business rules-

4. Customers can have one or more locations.

5. Each location is able to have one or more rates, depending on the time of day. Illustrate an ERD for this situation, and place least and utmost cardinalities on the diagram. State any assumption that you have made.

Reference no: EM133202

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