Reference no: EM131590236
Presentaion Assignemnt: Fix It
One way to appreciate the value of good design is to fix a file that is not designed well. In this exercise, you open a file that has several errors and design flaws and fix it according to the good design elements, using the skills that you practiced in the lessons.
Navigate to the folder with the student files, open U2Ch09FixIt, and save it as U2Ch09FixItStudentName
Examine this presentation and modify it, using the skills you have practiced, to create a professional presentation. Review the content and make changes to the design, layout, formats, and animations that are needed to comply with the good design principles covered in this chapter. Include the file name and slide number on the slides. Here is a list of design principles introduced in this chapter, along with some tips on how to fix the presentation. Use the principles that are appropriate for each slide.
• Choose the appropriate layout: Change the slide layouts where needed to match the content.
• If you use an audio file be sure it enhance your presentation: Do not include audio that will compete with a speaker or detract from other content.
• Choose appropriate videos and limit length: Edit the video length so it is not over long, but is long enough for the desired purpose.
• Use SmartArt to illustrate relationships between concepts: Use a diagram that matches the content. For pictures, use a design that enhances the image and not the text.
• Keep it simple: Limit the number of shapes, words, and images. Create a clean image that conveys your message without clutter.
• Format tabular data as a table: look for data that would be better displayed using a table so that information is easier to compare and understand.
• Make fonts large enough to be readable: if necessary insert a new slide, divide topics between slides, change slide layout, or reduce the words on a slide.
• Include charts to illustrate relationships and trends: Use an appropriate chart type, be sure the range includes your data and not the sample data.
• Organize the chart by category or series to show the desired relationship. Adjust the font size to make legends and labels easier to see.
• Choose animations that support the purpose of the graphics.
• Use hyperlinks to augment the presentation: Test the hyperlinks to make sure they work properly.
A successful result will apply appropriate slide layouts for all sides and employ good design principles for capitalizing titles and bullet points. Images will not overlap text but will be balanced with the text. Tabular data will be displayed in a table and sized so that the text is readable. The chart will display only the relevant data that was entered on the Excel worksheet. A correct chart type will be selected to display the numerical relationship. Consistent animations will be applied to the text, table, and SmartArt, Chart, and other media. The presentation will be error-free and include the file name in the slide footer area. Submit the file as required by your instructor. Save and close the file.
Information workers add value to data by organizing, selecting, displaying, communicating, interpreting, and using data to support decisions. On the Job exercises simulate a situation where you are given data and your job is to add value to it using the skills you practiced in this chapter. Success in these exercises indicates that you have a valuable skill to offer an employer.
1. Kitchen Band Presentation
In this On the Job exercise, you will assist the director of the Senior Activities Center. She wants to start a "kitchen" band group that will play at local retirement homes, hospitals, and other facilities where seniors live and gather. The goal is to provide a fun activity for able-bodied people, and entertainment for those who are less mobile. She needs a presentation she can share with members of the Senior Activities Center. The presentation should be entertaining, include audio, pictures of instruments that are easy to play such as a washboard, kazoo, pans, and others percussion instruments. A video would be ideal if you can find one. Include the following proposed schedule in an appropriate format:
Breckenridge Home
January 20
2:00 to 4:00
Halley Retirement Center
February 3
1:00 to 3:00
Shaffer Assisted Living
February 13
11:30 to 1:00
Happy Valley Place
February 23
4:00 to 5:30
1. Do some research online to learn about Kitchen Bands and the type of instruments they typically use, and the music they play. Create a new presentation and save it in your Chapter09 folder as U2Ch09BandStudentName Use a theme that will be bright and easy for seniors to read.
2. Follow the good design principles listed in the Fix It exercise.
3. On the title slide, use Join the Senior Activities Center Kitchen Band as the title of the presentation and add a subtitle to emphasis the purpose of the band while creating interest. Add an audio file from the Online Audio collection. Search for drum and then select Military Open. Move the audio symbol out of the way and set it to start automatically.
4. Create a slide that uses SmartArt to display four or five different instruments that might be appropriate to a kitchen band. Obtain the images from the Clip Art option in the Insert Pictures dialog box. Label each image and add an appropriate title to the slide.
5. Create a slide titled Make your own instrument Based on your research, include some ideas of household items that might be appropriate. Add a hyperlink to one or more websites that offer suggestions on how to make instruments for a kitchen band.
6. Add another slide with the title Come and have fun with your friends From the Online Pictures source, search for musicians and then add an image of a group of people playing instruments. Enlarge the image to fill the space. Add the U2Ch09Kazoo audio file to the slide and set it to play automatically.
7. Include a slide with the tentative schedule provided above. Align the times on the right and the dates in the center. Center the column labels. Widen the first column so the location names display on one line. Format the table so it is clear and easy to read and the font is 24 pt.
8. Add a closing slide that tells people who are interested how to sign up. Include the following:
- Email Ann Marie at annmarie senioractivities org
- First rehearsal will be January 10 at 2:00 in the main activity room
- Bring your instrument, any extra instruments, and your sense of fun
9. Add a transition to the slides. Apply custom animations to the text boxes so that each first-level paragraph displays one at a time. Animate the images and the table to display after the title is displayed. Add a custom animation to the SmartArt so that each images displays one-by-one.
10. Add the file name and the slide number in the footer area. Save the file and submit it as directed by your instructor.