How to keep your head from exploding in seattle traffic

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Reference no: EM133411083

Questions: make sure you've read this week's required readings, specifically "How to keep your head from exploding in Seattle traffic Links to an external site." After reading, discussion post by defining five of the seven following concepts in own words. For each concept, quote at least one section of the article that illustrates the concept, and explain how it does so.

  • Deindividuation
  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Self-serving bias
  • Outgroup homogeneity bias
  • Sympathetic nervous system arousal
  • Observational learning
  • Long-term effects of stress

To conclude your post, identify at least one intervention discussed in the article and describe how you might encourage an aggressive driver you know (perhaps even yourself!) to implement that intervention. Discuss what is likely to make an intervention effective versus ineffective.


Reference no: EM133411083

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the character of bartleby : Analyze the character of Bartleby. Why does Melville present him the way he does? How does the last line of the short-story contribute to your analysis?
How to keep your head from exploding in seattle traffic : How to keep your head from exploding in Seattle traffic Links to an external site." After reading, discussion post by defining five of the seven following
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What are the potential risk factors for developing : What are the potential risk factors for developing cultural-familial informed intellectual disability? Further, what are protective factors against cultural
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Identify what kinds of influence you experienced were : describe one situation that you think fits this description, and identify what kind(s) of influence(s) you experienced Were you aware of the influence(s)


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