How to identify the large number of risk factorss

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131348024

Write a 2,000 word academic essay comparing and contrasting the risks of two supply chains, being:

1. Fresh Milk exported from Australia to China; and

2. Powdered Milk exported from Australia to China.

You will need to collect data and information on two separate supply chain situations before undertaking such risk analyses.

You to analyse, compare, contrast, and indicate suitable risk management strategies and tactics regarding the two contrasting supply chains.

You will need to demonstrate:

- an understanding of risk;

- how to identify the large number of risk factorss;

- indicate the difficulty in measuring such risk factors and their impact-

- undertake some analyses of the risk factors and how they affect both internal and external stakeholders

- and what management could be implemented to control or minimize these risks.

Students should consider using scenario analyses, vulnerability analyses, stakeholder analyses, and value-at-risk VAR techniques.

Focus on the ultimate risk to the customer - loss of good-will, loyalty, brand-image; the risk to suppliers; the impact on competitors; and the risk to the owners/shareholders.

Focus on the ultimate risk to the customer - loss of good-will, loyalty, brand-image; the risk to suppliers; the impact on competitors; and the risk to the owners/shareholders.

Academic reference's required.

Please provide all research, sources and statistics used.

Course: Masters of Agribusiness

Subject: Business Risk

Topic: Supply Chain Risk

Supply chains chosen: Fresh Milk v's Powdered Milk. Both for export to China from Australia.

Words: 2,000

This assignment requires comparing and contrasting two different supply chains, leading to risk management conclusions.

You will need to collect data and information on two separate supply chain situations before undertaking such risk analyses. Y

You should be focusing on what you need and how are you going to assemble the data/information for analysis.

You to analyse, compare, contrast, and indicate suitable risk management strategies and tactics regarding the two contrasting supply chains.


Select two or more case studies on a farm, agribusiness, supply chain, or organization - you will need to perform a risk identification, analyses, and management on your selection.

Compare and contrast your case selections. Your analyses should lead to findings-recommendations that are detailed (logically deduced from your analyses) in your Conclusion and summarized in a one-page Executive Summary at the front.


Students will need to demonstrate an understanding of risk, how to identify the large number of risk factors, indicate the difficulty in measuring such risk factors and their impact, undertake some analyses of the risk factors and how they affect both internal and external stakeholders, and what management could be implemented to control or minimize these risks.


Students should consider using scenario analyses, vulnerability analyses, stakeholder analyses, and value-at-risk VAR techniques.


Focus on the ultimate risk to the customer - loss of good-will, loyalty, brand-image; the risk to suppliers; the impact on competitors; and the risk to the owners/shareholders.

Helpful hints

Risk can impact on cash-flow, working capital, financial reserves, operations, contract default, legal and insurance consequences, available resources such as management and labour/staff, stress, regret/avoidance, competitiveness, ability to export, profitability, etc.

Make good use of tables (use 8 font) and diagrams in Word. Make sure that the material-analyses supports a solid conclusion, and include the objective, method, and conclusion upfront in an executive summary.

Reference no: EM131348024

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