How to identify and leverage the experience

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131606328

Assessment Task

This brief outlines requirements of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (Blood Service) for a short term management assignment. I invite your student group to submit a proposal.

This letter outlines the scope and central question for the assignment that will support the development of a strategy, for consideration by Blood Service management.

Management assignment: How to identify and leverage the experience and knowledge that already resides within the organisation to improve organisation effectiveness

About the Blood Service

The Blood Service is a division of the Australian Red Cross and is responsible for the provision of blood products and related services to the Australian community.

The Blood Service is a not-for-profit organisation that is funded primarily by the Australian Govemment and state/territory governments to provide fresh blood components and plasma for fractionation - and it is the only provider of these components in Australia. The Blood Service also plays a role in promoting safe and appropriate blood transfusion practice through expert clinical and scientific advice, education and research - and is funded to manage a research and development program that extends across clinical, donor and community, and transfusion science research.

In addition to its primary role related to blood products, the Blood Service is involved in the broader solid organ and tissues sector, including performing diagnostic services in most states and territories as well as a range of affiliated agencies and other services, including hosting organisations such as DonateLife in Victoria, the National Organ Matching Service and the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.


The Blood Service's Strategic Plan -At the Leading Edge - outlines the key areas of future focus for the Blood Service and articulates what needs to be achieved to be at the top of our game. It focuses our efforts to continue to deliver improvements across the organisation and within the sector more broadly.

The plan recognises the extraordinary capabilities within our national network of assets and infrastructure, our skills and capabilities and sets out the plan to maximise their impact across the health sector.

More than ever, we understand that employees will have multiple careers in their lifetime and move between organisations and industries with increasing frequency. When new employees start with the Blood Service, they often bring skills and capabilities well beyond the scope of the position for which they are hired. While we expect people to deliver stunning results within their role, the hidden capabilities of employees have great potential to bring new value to the organisation.

When an organisation contemplates its growth strategy, this may include the development of new products and services, the development of new markets and identifying new customers, or both. Where can organisations source new capability needed to achieve this? Employees with expertise or experience in new these new areas may already be present within the organisation:

How to identify and leverage the experience and knowledge that already resides within the organisation to improve organisation effectiveness?

Verified Expert

This assignment is prepared on the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. The research and analysis has been performed on the Blood Service division of the organization in order to improve its effectiveness. All the instructions and requirements of the paper has been followed. The solution has addressed the different requirements in headings to ensure it can be seen by the professor. APA referencing has been followed and in-text references has been added. Both page cover and table of contents are added.

Reference no: EM131606328

Questions Cloud

Entire compounding period in order to receive any interest : Assume that your funds must be left on deposit during an entire compounding period in order to receive any interest.
What conditions or problems do the programs aim to treat : What conditions or problems do the programs aim to treat? What are the limitations of the programs? What type(s) of offenders should be treated?
Functions of the different hr personnel : Name and describe in detail each of the functions of the different HR personnel that is listed in the HR organisational chart.
Value of portfolio of financial transmission rights : Calculate the total value of the following portfolio of Financial Transmission Rights:
How to identify and leverage the experience : How to identify and leverage the experience and knowledge that already resides within the organisation to improve organisation effectiveness?
Principal perspectives on human resource management : Beardwell and Holden (1998) laid out four principal perspectives on Human Resource Management that typically carried out by any HR department.
What is appropriate amount to use as initial cash flow : What is the appropriate amount to use as the initial (time zero) cash flow?
Prepare stockholder equity section of coronado balance sheet : Coronado Corporation's post-closing trial balance at December 31, 2017, Prepare the stockholders' equity section of Coronado's balance sheet at December 31
What is the worth of the bond : Rockne, Inc., has outstanding bonds that will mature in six years and pay an 8 percent coupon semiannually. What is the worth of the bond?



9/26/2017 5:25:09 AM

I have gone through the work and I am more than satisfied. Thanks for the timely intervention. I appreciate your help. it was a great job. thank you so much for everything thanks.


9/26/2017 5:24:39 AM

please write about how tattoos, and plasmid collection substitutes can affect the donors 24714165_1Screen Shot at 90547 PM.png 24714115_2Screen Shot at 90551 PM.png okay, I'll submit it late but it would be good if I can get it as soon as possible. thanks man within 6 months of getting a tattoo, the people are not allowed to donate blood. And after 6 months, the people with tattoos that would actually come back to donate blood will drop by 30% (based on some research). This is for the socio cultural factors for PESTEL Plasmid collection substitutes are threats of substitutes for the SWOT analysis. Basically, the essay has to talk about what can affect the number of donors for Australian Red Cross. So tattoos, gays, etc will affect the blood donor business. oh, sorry, i didn't see the question. No you don't have to. It's just an idea for the report Australian Red Cross blood donor business and how present sociocultural factors will reduce or increase the number of donors to the Red Cross in Australia


8/21/2017 12:57:40 AM

Improper citation of sources and referencing of work. (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that Students fail to use the following information use strategies (use of citations and references• choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original


8/21/2017 12:57:24 AM

Develops a problem statement but lacks academic rigour, with material that is incomplete or irrelevant. Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. Unable to or poorly demonstrates an ability to write a problem statement or identify important contextual factors. Work may have failed for one or more of the following: non- submission, academic misconduct, answering a different question from the one asked, poor or incoherent vocabulary, no evidence of correct scholarly referencing. Report structure and Work is fully referenced according to accepted scholarly standards (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to orioinal context: Work is fully referenced according to accepted scholarly standards (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are


8/21/2017 12:56:39 AM

Problem definition (25%) Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Identifies potentially significant yet previously less-explored aspects of the issue(s). Highly original or insightful work. Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors having been considered and analysed. Appropriately addresses most relevant aspects of the issue. Demonstrates the ability Demonstrates an ability to construct a problem in identifying a problem statement with evidence statement or related of most relevant contextual factors. contextual factors. Volume Important aspects of of reading of sufficient problem not addressed. breadth and depth for a Depth of reading competent understanding insufficient to award a of main issues, underlying credit grade. Problem principles and concepts statement may be factual but without the and descriptive rather comprehensiveness of than analytical. higher grades.


8/21/2017 12:56:17 AM

The elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are developed but some elements may be missing, incorrectly developed, or unfocused. Coherent arguments supported by evidence and illustration from the work of other authorities or by direct empirical analysis, but without the intellectual independence found in the higher grades. The suggested methodology demonstrates a basic understanding of the methodology or theoretical frameworks. Theories and/or frameworks are applied in an unsophisticated manner. The suggested methodology demonstrates a poor understanding of the methodology or theoretical frameworks. There may be basic errors in the application of the theories and/or frameworks. Fails to demonstrate any coherent methodology or application of theoretical frameworks.


8/21/2017 12:55:54 AM

Fail 30%-49% Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. Failure to review critically, analyse, consolidate and combine knowledge and draw relevant conclusions. Serious Fail <30% Presents information from irrelevant sources or in very insufficient quantity. Use of appropriate theory (25%) All elements of the methodology and/or theoretical frameworks are skilfully developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesised from across disciplines or from relevant sub-disciplines. Identifies flaws in published work. Distinction 70%-79% Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise, and apply theoretical and technical body of knowledge in a broad range of areas and diverse contexts perhaps with some synthesis. Shows reasoning and creative skills to use knowledge and awareness to exercise critical thinking and judgement in selecting and applying methods and technologies in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence.


8/21/2017 12:52:10 AM

Writing about Australian Red Cross with any PESTEL factor and SWOT analysis Breadth and depth of organisational and contextual research (30%) High Distinction 80%- 100% Provides an in-depth synthesis of information from relevant sources, representing various points of view / approaches. Distinction 70%-79%Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise, and apply theoretical and technical body of knowledge in a broad range of areas and diverse contexts perhaps with some synthesis. Credit 60%-89% Presents information from relevant sources representing various points of view / approaches. Demonstrates some analysis of those views/approaches. Pass 50%-59%Presents factual information from some relevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches. Lack of analysis or critical appreciation of knowledge sources.

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