How to heal from stress and trauma lessons from kintsugi

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133367528

Question: Based on readings - "How to heal from stress and trauma: Lessons from Kintsugi"

Write a compare/contrast essay.

Comparison and/or Contrast Assignment (Academic Argument)

This comparison and/or contrast essay is a personal response and can include your own personal opinions, reactions, examples, and observations. You may use "I", but do not rely heavily on it (avoid 'I think that' or 'I believe that' etc.). Avoid using unclear pronouns (e.g. you, we, our). Clarify your meaning and be specific. For this essay, I provided two sources for you to use as supporting evidence. You must compare and/or contrast both sources. A minimum of four citations (either direct quotes or paraphrases) is required. You must carefully construct your essay with a strong structure. Remember to include all the main components of a strong essay (thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting evidence, and conclusion). I suggest you use an essay outline to help you plan your response.


Write a multi-paragraph essay (4-5 paragraphs) (approximately 500-600 words in length); include a thesis statement with at least two main points of comparison and/or contrast, and a strong conclusion.
Use either BLOCK or Point-by-Point pattern in your essay structure.
DOUBLE-SPACE your essay.
Organize your support in advance, and proofread carefully for grammar, spelling and mechanics. You will lose marks for poor language skills.
Use specific support from two sources in your essay. If you use a quotation, make sure you analyze it (DO NOT simply insert a quotation and move on).
Remember to include in-text citations for all of the evidence you use.
Remember that your comparison and/or contrast of the sources should support your overall purpose/thesis. Ask yourself: What are you arguing in this essay? Why are you comparing and/or contrasting these two sources?
Topics (Choose ONE):

1 - Compare and/or Contrast the speaker's/author's use of logic, emotion and credibility. Who is more persuasive and why?
2 - Compare and/or Contrast the speaker's/author's discussion on resilience and coping. Which argument is most relevant to young people today?
3 - Compare and/or Contrast the speaker's/author's observations on society. Do you agree with their observations? Are their arguments accurate? Which argument do you identify with more as a College student?

Reference no: EM133367528

Questions Cloud

Resort with goal of restoring peace : In the eyes of Augustine and Aquinas, if war is meant to be just and a last resort with a goal of restoring peace,
Knowledge of skills learned from nutr 2302 in future career : 2. How can you imagine yourself using the knowledge and skills learned from NUTR 2302/03 in your future career? Any other takeaways?
What does inclusion mean you what does belonging mean you : What does Inclusion mean you? What does Belonging mean you?
What is the goal or central research question in this paper : What is the goal or central research question in this paper? 2. What was the main finding
How to heal from stress and trauma lessons from kintsugi : Based on readings - "How to heal from stress and trauma: Lessons from Kintsugi" Write a compare/contrast essay.
Knowledge generated by sociological research : Compare knowledge generated by sociological research and those based on news media. Include at least four differences in your comparison.
Calculating the official unemployment rate : alculating the official unemployment rate (U3), BLS produces alternative measures of labor underutilization
Performance sports are organized to encourage orientations : As mentioned in the lecture, power and performance sports are organized to encourage orientations that emphasize domination over others.
Long list of methodological and theoretical problems : promotional literature suffers from a long list of methodological and theoretical problems, all of which have been well-documented in the literature


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