Reference no: EM133291526
Normal values of red blood cells for in humans for adult females are 4,500,000 to 5,500,000/mm cube while for adult male is 5,000,000 to 6,000,000/mm cube. After carrying out rbc count test, a female student has rbc count 4,700,000 which is within the range and considered as nomal.
Question 1.
Based on the statement above, give detail explanation and justification by providing reasons and evidence to justify the results of the rbc count for the female student. Elaborate further.Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 2.
The female student has normal rbc count, relate this to the lifestyle and the health condition of the student.Elaborate further.Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 3.
Normal values of red blood cells for in humans for adult females are 4,500,000 to 5,500,000/mm cube while for adult male is 5,000,000 to 6,000,000/mm cube Explain in detail what does it mean by normal rbc count. Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 4.
Suggest and explain in detail 10 ways how to get normal red blood cell count .Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 5.
Suggest and explain in detail 10 ways how to overcome high red blood cell count. Please give detail and longer explanation. Justify longer.
Question 6.
Suggest and explain in detail 10 ways how to overcome low red blood cell count. Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 7.
Explain in detail the reasons why there is difference between range of normal red blood cell for male and female. Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 8.
Typically, makes have higher number of RBC as compared to females. Justify this statement.Please give detail and longer explanation. Justify longer.
Question 9.
A person carries rbc count test using her fingertips with haemocytometer. Explain briefly the steps to conduct the test from the start till the end of the test.
Question 10.
Give factors that can affect red blood cell count.Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.
Question 11.
Give and explain in detail 10 purposes of doing RBC count test..Please give detail and longer explanation.Justify longer.