Reference no: EM133131519
PUBH6013 Qualitative Research Methods
RESEARCH QUESTION. "What is the psychological impact (positive and negative) of covid-19 pandemic among international students"
Assessment - Investigation Report
Learning Outcome 1: Apply qualitative research methods through undertaking data collection through, e.g. focus group, interviews, observational methods
Learning Outcome 2: Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for qualitative research in Public Health
Learning Outcome 3: Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they apply to qualitative research
Learning Outcome 4: Apply coding and analysis techniques to qualitative data
This assessment involves preparing a report with data analysis/discussion of interviews and a brief presentation.
There are two steps for this assignment. Part A involves writing a report and Part B involves a 10 minute presentation in class.
Assessment 3A advances skills in analysing and reporting qualitative data, and reflexivity of practice. Key understanding includes how to generate meaning from qualitative data, how to report the results of qualitative analysis, and how to reflect on one's own performance to identify strengths and opportunities for growth. The assessment prepares students for an important task common to the public health practitioner role.
Analysis: Use the resources in module six to:
1. Code the data that you collect from your interviewees.
2. Develop themes based on your coding.
3. Report on the themes that you've identified, supported by relevant quotes from your interviewees. Report this part in the same style as the results section of a qualitative journal article.
Reflection: reflect on your experience of interviewing and analysing the data. What did you do well, and what did you struggle with? What could you learn to do better? What did you learn through this experience?
Assessment Criteria:
• Ability to interpret and analyse data, and report the results appropriately
• Reflection upon the interview experience and demonstrates reflexivity
• Use of academic conventions
Assessment 3B - Investigation Presentation
Learning Outcome 1: Apply qualitative research methods through undertaking data collection through, e.g. focus group, interviews, observational methods
Learning Outcome 2: Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for qualitative research in Public Health
Learning Outcome 3: Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they apply to qualitative research
Learning Outcome 4: Apply coding and analysis techniques to qualitative data
This assessment involves preparing a report with data analysis/discussion of interviews and a brief presentation.
There are two steps for this assignment. Part A involves writing a report and Part B involves a 10 minute presentation in class.
Assessment 3B advances skills in presenting the rationale, process, and results of a qualitative project. Key understanding includes how to present key information from their project design and results in a concise and effective fashion, and how to deliver a presentation effectively. The assessment prepares students for an important task common to the public health practitioner role.
Summarise your research question, methods, interview process, data analysis and results in a 5 minute presentation.
You can use the presentation mode of your choice ie PowerPoint, Prezi.
Assessment Criteria:
- Understands the purpose of the presentation, and includes the content required in a professional manner
- Effective presentation skills
Question 1. How have you as an international student been affected psychologically due to the global pandemic (covid-19)?
Question 2. Did you get any support from anyone amidst lockdown conditions due to covid-19, during this period, or what challenges did you face here in Australia?
Question 3. How difficult was it for you to switch to virtual leaning sessions, changed lifestyle pattern (like sedentary lifestyle) during the global pandemic?
Question 4. What according to you are the main factors impacting international students within Australia during the subsequent waves of covid-19, and how has it impacted your social economic, and academic life of yours?
Question 5. Did you consult any psychologist to seek for mental health support? Please share if any along their recommendation.
Question 6. How did you maintain touch with your family members, peers, teachers and others during the global pandemic, and did you face any psychological issues that hindered your psychological wellbeing?
Question 7. Did you feel financially insecure during the lockdown period and how did you deal with it and are you addicted to alcohol/others? If yes, how frequently would you consume it?
Question 8. Were you tense about your education and career because of covid-19, and what were your feelings at the period?
Question 9. How do you feel the Australia government can bring awareness in young students to deal with the situations and reduce the risks of mental ill-health?
interview 4 people with the questions. write each response to the each questions and code all then use the coding label at subheading
10-15 referencing
Attachment:- Qualitative Research Methods.rar