How to find the position and height of an image

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134083


A 1.0-cm-tall object is 20 {rm cm} in front of a converging lens that has a 10 {rm cm} focal length. Utilize ray tracing to find the position and height of the image. To do this precisely, use a ruler or paper with a grid.


An archer aims the arrow accurately horizontally over a large, flat field and lets it fly. The archer's watchband breaks and watch falls to a ground. Does watch hit the ground before, at the same time as, or after the arrow hits the ground?


The best main league baseball pitchers can throw a baseball with velocities exceeding 210.0 km/h. If a pitch is thrown horizontally with that velocity, how far does the ball fall vertically by time it reaches the catcher's glove 21.0 m away?

Reference no: EM134083

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