How to evaluate the basic elements of cause and effect

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM132205085

Theory Development

Theory development builds on the results of theory search. If step 2 is the search for variables that influence the goal variables, step 3 involves building more relationships with the other variables, working backwards from that first set of variables that were directly related to the goals. This can involve complex considerations of cause and effect between all the variables.

This week you will learn how to evaluate the basic elements of cause and effect, identify how variables relate to goals, and develop a table that includes identified variables.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate the basic elements of cause and effect

Identify the variables and relationships of an issue

Develop a table that includes identified variables

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Learning Resources
Note: To access this week's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings
Dickey, J. W., Birdsall, I. A., Larkin, G. R., & Kwang, K. S. (2015). Supernumerary intelligence: A new approach to analytics for management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.

Chapter 7, "Step 3. Theory Development" (pp. 95-108)
Appendix D, "Checklist for Cause and Effect Considerations" (pp. 329-345)

Discussion: Step 3-Theory Development

An important part of theory development is establishing cause and effect. You have found your variables and your theories, but how do they relate to one another? One aspect of getting a handle on the relationships between variables is to undertake a cause-and-effect analysis. Note that there are many different kinds of cause-and-effect relationships.

To prepare:

Review Chapter 7 and Appendix D of your course text, focusing on theory search and development and cause and effect.
Review the Discussion from last week, where you began your theory search.
Using Appendix D ("Checklist for Cause and Effect Conditions") as a guide, think about the basic elements of cause and effect and which elements you believe are most important to the concept.
With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3
Post a discussion of two of the basic elements of cause and effect that you believe are most important to the concept, and explain why they are important. Provide an example of each element.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues'' posts.

By Day 5
Respond to at least two of your colleagues'' posts. Provide feedback on what they believe are the most important basic elements of cause and effect. In addition, provide your reasoning and support your response with references to resources.


Assignment: Step 3-Theory Development
Another aspect of theory development is working out the relationship of variables to the goals. You can use your understanding of cause and effect for this task. Working backwards from the goal variable, determine how the other variables relate to the goal either directly or indirectly.

To prepare:

Review Chapter 7 and Appendix D of your course text, focusing on theory search and development and cause and effect.
Review the Discussion from last week, where you began your theory search.

Using Section 7.2 in your course text as a guide, think about what variables affect the outcome of the issue or situation you have been studying since the Week 4 Discussion.

Complete your Assignment in a table:

Identify the variables and their relationships that would affect the outcome of your issue or situation.

The table should include the variable and which other variables it affects.

Verified Expert

Development theory is a collection of theories about how desirable change in society is best achieved. Such theories draw on a variety of social science disciplines and approaches. In this article, multiple theories are discussed, as are recent developments with regard to these theories. Depending on which theory that is being looked at, there are different explanations to the process of development and their inequalities. This paper is written in Microsoft Word Document File.

Reference no: EM132205085

Questions Cloud

Products enter the decline stage of product life cycle : Why do products enter the decline stage of the product life cycle? Discuss
Two content theories and two process theories : Be sure to include comments on two content theories and two process theories and highlight the significance of each theory.
How these changes may impact operations and budgets : Interdepartmental interaction, communications, team building activities and conflict resolution techniques, how these changes may impact operations and budgets
Best interest to collaborate on development project : If firm decides it is in its best interest to collaborate on a development project, how would you recommend the firm go about choosing a partner,
How to evaluate the basic elements of cause and effect : How to evaluate the basic elements of cause and effect, identify how variables relate to goals, and develop a table that includes identified variables
Apply change strategies within the short-term and long-term : Apply the change strategies within the short-term and long-term. Evaluate and present the impacts of the resources
General characteristic of state risk management requirements : Which of the following is NOT a general characteristic of state risk management requirements?
Different types of alarm and fire sensor alarm systems : Describe different types of alarm and fire sensor alarm systems.
Describe this process and point out any elements of waste : Pick one of their processes (For example: taking customer orders at McDonalds). Describe this process and point out any elements of waste


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