How to efficiently evaluate the polynomial

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Reference no: EM131367361 , Length:


1. Show how to efficiently evaluate the polynomial p(x) = x43 - 6x17 + x9 - x3. How many multiplications are used in your algorithm?

2. Use the algorithm

eu = (s + u)/(s -u)


s = 2 + u2 (2520 + 28u2)/(15120 + 420u2 + u4)

to evaluate e1/8 = e0.125.

Do all your calculations using truncation at the 4th decimal place as shown in Lecture 3. Repeat this using round-off in the 4th decimal place. Compare your results to the calculator result.

Verified Expert

The solution contains two questions related to polynomials. In fiRST lroblwm the solution needs the no od operation performed and complexity. In second problem sklution need the valje of polynomial at one point upto 4 point decimals.

Reference no: EM131367361

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1/23/2017 12:45:36 AM

Question :it is 2 questions all details is in the file attached you can do it by handwriting , make sure it is clear handwriting

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