How to develop it in a way that suits your personal beliefs

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Reference no: EM133649242


Read the article linked above by Beth Lavine to examine different aspects of intimacy, how we engage in sexual relationships, and what affect they both have on your overall health.

Review the types of intimacy, the benefits of it, and how to develop it in a way that suits your personal beliefs and lifestyle.

1. Detailed description of 3 ways you plan to increase intimacy based on the article above and lecture materials in Module 10

2. Explanation of how and why these practices would be beneficial to your interpersonal growth.

3. If you've tried any of these skills already this week, your reflection can include how it went for you!

Reference no: EM133649242

Questions Cloud

Discuss the wording you plan to use to describe the things : For the purpose of our draft, you should start laying out the wording you plan to use to describe these things, and you can fill spaces that might require data.
Powerful impacts on individual life chances : According to Weber and Ritzer, when society prior Because race and gender have such powerful impacts on an individual's life chances
Identify and analyze the rhetorical situation of the time : Identify and analyze the rhetorical situation of the time and place the speech was given: speaker, circumstances, audience, and constraints
Race and gender have such powerful impacts : Because race and gender have such powerful impacts on an individual's life chances and outcomes, sociologists often refer to them as:
How to develop it in a way that suits your personal beliefs : Review the types of intimacy, the benefits of it, and how to develop it in a way that suits your personal beliefs and lifestyle.
What are leading health indicators found in healthy people : What are related Leading Health Indicators found in Healthy People 2020? In examining the Community Guide topics, which ones are most relevant to this scenario?
What techniques if any covered in the video surprised you : What are the three biggest things you learn about the use of PowerPoint from the video? What techniques, if any, covered in the video surprised you?
Individual patterns of consumption and waste generation : Cultural factors influence our individual patterns of consumption and waste generation.
How do their ideas or perceptions change your mind a bit : Look for some alternative perspectives communicated by your classmates. How do their ideas or perceptions change your mind a bit or help you see a new point? Ex


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