Reference no: EM131761426 , Length: word count:3000
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
1. Be able to set performance targets for teams to meet strategic objectives
Critically assess the links between team performance and strategic objectives
Critically evaluate tools and techniques available to set team performance targets
Critically evaluate the value of team performance tools to measure future team performance
2. Be able to agree team performance targets to contribute to meeting strategic objectives
Analyse how to determine required performance targets within teams against current performance
Address the need for individual commitment to team performance in achievement of strategic objectives
Critically evaluate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to the achievement of the strategic objectives
Critically evaluate a team performance plan to meet strategic objectives
3. Be able to monitor actions and activities defined to improve team performance
Identify tools and methodologies to assess the process for monitoring team performance and initiate changes where necessary
Evaluate team performance against agreed objectives of the plan and address problematic performances
Critically evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to meeting strategy
4. Be able to apply influencing skills to respond to the dynamics and politics of personal interactions
Determine influencing methodologies that can gain the commitment of individuals to strategy
Critically discuss the impact of individual dynamics, interests and organisational politics on securing the commitment of individuals to strategy
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy
The unit will explore how team performance can be evaluated and optimised to realize strategic objectives.
Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:-
You are a senior manager in a business unit of a medium sized enterprise, with functional management and organisational leadership responsibilities. You have responsibility for all aspects of the performance management of your team and its contribution towards the achievement of business goals.
Please select and research an organisation of your choice to identify its approach to performance management. Provide brief details of your research in a summary of between 200 and 250 words, this should not be counted in the suggested word count. Use the results of your research to answer the tasks below.
Task 1:
Critically assess the links between the performance of your team and the stated strategic objectives of the organisation. You may wish to use congruence modelling for this purpose.
Identify a range of at least four different tools and techniques for setting team performance targets. Evaluate these by comparing and contrasting them, using a table format if preferred, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Assess their value then in the ongoing measuring and monitoring of team performance during the year, using practical examples to illustrate what worked well and what did not work so well in different situations or with different teams and cultures. Keep the focus on changing and future team performance needs, considering changes in the business environment and its impact.
Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,100 words
A.C. 1.1 - Critically assess the links between team performance and strategic objectives
A.C. 1.2 - Critically evaluate tools and techniques available to set team performance targets
A.C. 1.3 - Critically evaluate the value of team performance tools to measure future team performance
Task 2:
Explore and analysis how team performance targets are arrived at, considering the factors that effect and influence required team performance levels, compare and contrast current team performance with your findings.
Describe at least three different theories on motivation. Relate motivational techniques and influencing and persuading methodologies to the encouragement of team members to commit to shared goals, by means of practical examples.
Keeping in focus your scenarios stated strategic objectives, explore, review and critically evaluate the contribution, effects and impact that delegation, mentoring and coaching have,
positively and negatively in contributing to the meeting of the organisations strategic objectives. You may consider either strategic performance objectives or strategic organisational direction.
For this task use a working team performance plan, decompose its structure, highlight areas of logical sequencing of the processes, areas of good practice, possible errors, biases and omissions and possible misalignment with the stated strategic objectives under review.
Guideline word count: 900 - 950 words
A.C. 2.1 - Analyze how to determine required performance targets within teams against current performance
A.C. 2.2 - Address the need for individual commitment to team performance in achievement of strategic objectives
A.C. 2.3 - Critically evaluate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to the strategic objectives
A.C. 2.4 - Critically evaluate a team performance plan to meet strategic objectives Task 3:
For this task you are required to identify both tools and methods that are deployed to conduct assessment activities of the business processes used to monitor team performance, whilst having the flexibility and capacity to identify and make changes as required.
For this task you are required to conduct a team performance event, conduct assessment of team performance against pre agreed team performance measures and targets. Use these findings to address non-compliant performance, considering potential areas of legality, human resource policy, codes and effects on other operational areas. You may wish to use tools and methodologies identified in AC. 3.1, for your purposes.
For this task you are required to research and explore the critical impact and consequences of non-compliance of team performance on meeting the already stated strategic objectives. The implications are likely to have considerable scale and scope of influence on operations. An Impact Statement format may be used for your purposes.
Guideline word count: 300 - 350 words
A.C. 3.1 - Identify tools and methodologies to assess the process for monitoring team performance and initiate changes where necessary.
A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate team performance against agreed objectives of the plan and address problematic performances.
A.C. 3.3 - Critically evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to meeting strategy.
Task 4:
Research three influencing mythologies, review their suitability, given your sector or investigation, prevailing structure and culture and other factors you feel relevant, and determine their potential effectiveness in attracting and gaining commitment of individuals to align with the already identified organisational strategic direction.
Guideline word count: 1,050 - 1,100 words
A.C. 4.1 - Determine influencing methodologies that can gain the commitment of individuals to strategy
A.C. 4.2 - Critically discuss the impact of individual dynamics, interests and organisational politics on securing the commitment of individuals to strategy.
Information Management and Strategic Decision Taking
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1. Be able to understand the importance of management information on strategic decisions
Critically identify the features of data and information
Determine the criteria to be applied when selecting appropriate data and information to support strategic decisions
Critically evaluate the impact of a management information system to an organisation
2. Be able to understand the importance of information sharing within an organisation
Determine the legal responsibilities in sourcing, sharing and storing information
Critically discuss when information should be offered and access allowed
Critically evaluate the formats in which information can be provided and the impact of using various formats
3. Be able to use information to support strategic decision making
Critically analyse information to identify patterns, trends and impacts on strategic decision making
Critically evaluate a range of decision making tools and techniques available to support strategic decision making
Determine data and information sources available to assist in strategic decision taking
4. Be able to monitor and review management information
Critically identify methods of evaluating management information within an organisation
Formulate processes and methodologies for analysing the impact of information on the strategic decisions made
Determine methods of developing information capture to inform and support strategic decision making
Information Management and Decision Making
Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario: -
You are a manager at a medium sized organisation. You have been asked to develop your organisation's management information system to ensure it conforms to legislation and provides accurate and relevant data. Analysis of historical data to inform future strategic direction is part of your current role.
Task 1:
Critically discern the process of converting data to information, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Critically review the key features at each stage in the cycle, drawing conclusions and making robust recommendations.
When making management decisions determine the criteria to be applied when selecting data and information to support decision making. Consider the validity of sources of information.
Describe the main functions of an organisation's Management Information System (MIS). Evaluate the impact of a management information system to an organisation in terms of component efficiencies and wider organisational effectiveness.
Guideline word count: 700 - 900 words
A.C. 1.1 - Critically identify the features of data and information
A.C. 1.2 - Determine the criteria to be applied when selecting appropriate data and information to support strategic decision making
A.C. 1.3 - Critically evaluate the impact of a management information system to an organisation
Task 2:
State the organisation's responsibilities in sourcing, sharing and storing information to ensure legal compliance. Identify two types of information which may have restricted access within the organisation.
Critically discuss six types of information which an organisation can offer to employees and how this is accessed.
Critically evaluate four formats in which information can be offered and evaluate how effective these formats are within the organisational context.
Guideline word count: 700 - 900 words
A.C. 2.1 - Determine the legal responsibilities in sourcing, sharing and storing information
A.C. 2.2 - Critically discuss when information should be offered and access allowed
A.C. 2.3 - Critically evaluate the formats in which information can be provided and the impact of using various formats
Task 3:
Select one form of information from an organisation and critically analyse it to identify any patterns and trends. Consider comparative analysis such as year on year or same month/period over a period of years. Review the impact that such patterns and trends have on the strategic decision making processes. Electronic decision making tools may be considered if appropriate to your scenario.
Critically evaluate four decision making tools. Determine their fitness for purpose from a criterion devised by you, and stated. Explain the importance of valid management information when supporting the decision making process. Make clear judgements from your analysis and, explain how it may assist with future planning activities at strategic level.
Determine two sources which may assist in analysing data and information. Consider the value of internal and external sources. Your source audit should be detailed, and consider all relevant factors, legal, ethical, social, essential to operations.
Guideline word count: 500 - 700 words
A.C. 3.1 - Critically analyse information to identify patterns, trends and impact on strategic decision making
A.C. 3.2 Critically evaluate a range of decision making tools and techniques available to support a strategic decision
A.C. 3.3 - Determine data and information sources available to assist in strategic decision taking
Task 4:
Critically review four methods an organisation can use to develop data collection to inform and support strategic decision making. Consider internal and external sources of information capture and the potential benefits of utilising wider sources for the organisation. Where possible conceptual evaluative techniques should be used, to add validity and robustness to processes.
Describe how an organisation can analyse the impact of information on strategic management decisions. Explain why it is important to have a rigorous process to analyse the impact information can have on strategic decisions.
Review four methods an organisation can use to develop data collection to inform and support strategic decision making. Consider internal and external sources of information capture and the potential benefits of utilising wider sources for the organisation.
Guideline word count: 450 - 550 words
A.C. 4.1 - Critically identify methods of evaluating management information within an organisation
A.C 4.2 Formulate processes and methodologies for analysing the impact of information on the strategic decisions made
A.C 4.3 Determine methods of developing information capture to inform and support strategic decision making
Leading a Strategic Management Project
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1. Be able to identify and justify a strategic investigative project
Determine a strategic topic to investigate that has significant implications for the organisation
Discuss the aim, scope and objectives of the project
Take responsibility for and justify the topic of investigation and its aim, scope and objectives
Formulate the project research methodology, including the project structure and research base
2. Be able to conduct research using different data sources, and synthesise data and options
Assess sources of data and information that will support the aim of the project
Synthesise the data and information for options or alternatives that support the project aims
Critically evaluate and determine an option that supports the project's strategic aims
3. Be able to draw conclusions and make recommendations that achieve the project aim
Critically evaluate the research to enable conclusions to be made
Recommend a course of action that achieves the strategic aims of the project
Critically analyse the impact of the recommendations
4. Be able to develop and review the results of the investigative project
Determine the medium to present the result of the project and its contribution to strategic objectives
Take responsibility for the results of the investigative project and the substantial changes and developments it brings about
Critically evaluate the impact and success of the investigative project
Leading a Conducting a strategic management project
The unit will involve the Learner in formulating research and methodologies to support a strategic management project. They will be required to critically evaluate options and data sources prior to presenting project outcomes.
Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario: -
You are a senior manager at a medium sized organisation. You have been asked to conduct a project to investigate the high number of staff absences in your department. In order to understand key issues there are many factors you need to consider. Within the project you need to have clear aims and after your investigation consider options to support the aims and evaluate the impact of the course of action you wish to recommend.
Task 1:
Create a project proposal document which aims to contribute to an organisational strategic objective. The proposal should include as a minimum:-
1. Determination of a topic of investigation with justification for its contribution to strategic objective(s)
2. Discussion of the aim, scope and objectives for the project with justification
3. Develop a suitable research methodology, to fully meet project and sponsor needs, research should consider the research bases suitability to provide the rich data needed to inform your proposals, or Project Initiation Document format, should you wish
The project proposal should clarify why this topic was selected and any strategic implications.
Guideline word count: 700 - 900 words
A.C. 1.1 - Determine a topic of investigation that has a strategic implication
A.C. 1.2 - Discuss the aim, scope and objectives of the project
A.C. 1.3 - Take responsibility for and justify the topic of investigation and its aims, scope and objectives
A.C. 1.4 - Formulate the project research methodology, including the project structure and research base
Task 2:
Collate the data and information gathered and synthesise it to analyse relevancy to the project. Where possible use tools and techniques to support the identification of options and choices. Look for any clusters, stepping stones, patterns or trends.
Determine two options or alternatives which may be selected to support the project aims. Justify why these two options are suitable from synthesising the data and information obtained.
Analyse the two options and select one which will support the project aims stating why this choice was preferable to the other option. Where possible use a tool or technique to underpin your selection, or valid criteria for selection.
Guideline word count: 700 - 900 words
A.C. 2.1 - Assess sources of data and information that will support the aim of the project
A.C. 2.2 - Synthesise the data and information for options or alternatives that support the project aims
A.C. 2.3 - Critically evaluate an option or alternative that supports the project aims
Task 3:
Critically evaluate the research undertaken and evaluate the key features from the evaluation to draw relevant conclusions, to support positive and negative contributions to project direction and meeting project objectives and purpose. Ensure the evaluation processes are linked to the research analysis. State any constraints faced when analysing the information and how this may skew data.
Create an action plan that will support achieving the project aim stating clear recommendations. Include any resource implication and timescales. Ensure your recommendations are linked to research analysis, evaluation and conclusions.
Critically evaluate the impact of the project, you may wish to use san impact statement format for the purpose. The analysis should clearly critically judge any risks and the difference these will make to the identified project deliverables, and how these deliverables link to the project aims and objectives.
Guideline word count: 500 - 700 words
A.C. 3.1 - Critically evaluate the research analysis to enable conclusions to be made
A.C. 3.2 - Recommend a course of action that achieves the strategic aims of the project
3.3 - Critically analyse then impact of the recommendations
Task 4:
Describe two possible mediums which could be used to present the results of the project. Evaluate and justify which of the two mediums should be selected. You may wish to consider the nature, category of project, conduct an audience profile, or a merits and demerits of each medium.
Produce an action development statement, which includes a project responsibility matrix to present your accountabilities. You may wish to consider how this mergers with your Job Description, roles and responsibilities.
Critically evaluate how the identified deliverables have contributed to the key elements of the project scoping.
Guideline word count: 450 - 550 words
A.C. 4.1 - Evaluate the medium to be used to present the result of the project and its contribution to strategic objectives
A.C. 4.2 - Take responsibility for the results of the investigative project and the substantial changes and developments it brings about
A.C. 4.3 - Critically evaluate the impact and success of the investigative project