Reference no: EM1336665
I am trying to create a script in Knoppix 4.02 (KDE or Kwrite or Kate) based on the following requirements below. I want to create a prompt that will:
· Request user specific name
· I want Linux to compare it to an established name(Esther)
· I want the Linux to find the user specified name or Esther asking is this your name or another.
I am also using Knoppix 4.02 to , create the file below but I can not turn on vim text editor on . When I open up kWrite or Kate I get nothing and Konsole leave me lost when insert the following text below . I attempt to create and run file after e text is entered into vi editor . Once complete I have tried to execute and run the script but no avail. Please help. Program is Knoppix 4.02 version of Linuz
echo Select a country from the following list:
echo America, Italy, France, Germany
read country
case $country in
[Aa]merica ) echo Ford ; echo Perhaps;;
[Ii]taly ) echo Ferarri ; echo No;;
[Ff]rance ) echo Peugeot ; echo No Way;;
[Gg]ermany ) echo Porsche ; echo Absolutely;;
I am trying to create a script in Knoppix 4.02 (KDE or Kwrite or Kate) based on the following requirements below. I want to create a prompt that will:
· Request user specific name
· I want Linux to compare it to an established name(Esther)
· I want the Linux to find the user specified name or Esther asking is this your name or another.