How to create a driver file theaterreservationdriver

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1331342

Implement a simple seat reservation system for a theater in C++. The seats in the theater will be represented with a two dimensional array. The closer the seats are to the stage, the more expensive the seats are. Moreover, within a row, the seats at the center shall be more expensive.

Use a simple algorithm to assign costs to seats. The seats in one row cost $10 more than the seats in the previous row. Within a row of n seats, the first and last n/4 seats should be $5 cheaper than the rest of the seats.

The following charts are examples of the expected costs of seats:

40 45 45 40
30 35 35 30
20 25 25 20
10 15 15 10

To do so, create a class TheaterReservationSystem having the following members:

A constructor taking two int constants: rows and seatsPerRow.

A function member int computeCost(int row, int seat). This function will calculate the cost of the seat based on the row and seat number as described above.

A function member bool reserveSeat(int cost). This function will reserve the first available seat of the specified cost if there is one. If the program finds a seat of the specified cost, the function shall return true. Otherwise, the function shall return false.

A function member bool reserveBestSeat(int lowestCost, int highestCost). This function will reserve the best seat available within the specified cost range. One seat is considered better than another if either it is closer to the stage or it is in the same row but in the center of the row.

A function member void displaySeatsCost(). This function will print to the standard output a matrix containing the cost of the seats.

A function member void displaySeats(). This function will print to the standard output a matrix showing which seats are reserved and which seats are not.

A data member m_seats of type bool[][].

Create a driver file TheaterReservationDriver. In this file create two constants int: seats and seatsPerRow. Upon executing the driver, it will create an object TheaterReservationSystem passing seats and seatsPerRow to its constructor. The program shall display the following menu:

Enter 1 to reserve a seat

Enter 2 to reserve the best seat available

Enter 3 to display seats cost

Enter 4 to display reservations

Option 1 will prompt the user for a cost and it will invoke function reserveSeat. Option 2 will prompt the user for a cost range and it will invoke function reserveBestSeat. These two options shall display an appropriate message indicating whether the reservation could be made or not. Options 3 and 4 will invoke displaySeatCost and displaySeats respectively.

Reference no: EM1331342

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