How to counter potential security and fraud issues

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131678448

Assignment: Ecommerce in the Global Business Environment

Description/Focus: Assessment Item- Strategic Plan

Task: You are an entrepreneur and would like to open an eBusinessand need to develop detailed analysis and plans to be successful.

To complete this assignment you should:

• Briefly describe an eBusiness you would like to develop, including the products or services you would like to sell.

Traditional handcrafts

• Write at least three goals for your business. Each goal should include both a brief statement of purpose and a brief explanation.

• Clearly describe in detail, the eCommerce strategy you are going to use to achieve your goals including aspects such as, but not limited to, value propositions, revenue models, target markets, business models, capital realisation and SWOT analysis.

• Conduct an external environmental scan using Porter's Five Forces Model and discuss the key factors that might impact the success of your business.

• Clearly describe in detail, a marketing and advertising strategyfor your eBusiness including aspects such as, but not limited to, behaviour models, consumer profiles, trust and validity, mobile, Apps, email, social media, transaction logs, and cost benefit analysis.

Presentation: Should be written in Report style format.

Ecommerce in the Global Business Environment

Description/Focus: Assessment Item- Mitigation Plan

Task: Continue working on your proposed eBusiness (refer to assessment 2). In this assessment:

• Identify and describe all potential security and fraud issues your eBusiness might be exposed to. Develop a simple mitigation plan describing how to counter potential security and fraud issues that might impact your eBusiness.

• Identify and describe any potential ethical and legal issues your eBusiness might encounter.Describe how you might address these issues. You should include discussion about the key concepts related to each issue and the process you might use to come to a solution.

Presentation: Should be written in Report style.

Reference no: EM131678448

Questions Cloud

How can you be a responsible steward to the environment : How can you be a responsible steward to the environment and your agency while preventing contamination of the evidence
Is the buying center idea useful in consumer buying : Briefly discuss why a marketing manager should think about who is likely to be involved in the buying center for a particular purchase.
Define the wheel of a vehicle and drive after drinking : what should be done with offenders who choose to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive after drinking, especially when they cause harm to someone else
Are requests taken in the order in which they are received : How do you inform staff whether their requests have been honored? Are they informed by seeing the posted schedule?
How to counter potential security and fraud issues : Develop a simple mitigation plan describing how to counter potential security and fraud issues that might impact your eBusiness.
Define area because of his health condition : Could some write the note which would like a doctors note of me facing asthma so I can't work in a cold area because of his health condition
What is the biggies economic impact of reintroducing : What is the biggies economic impact of reintroducing the wolf back into Yellowstone had on the economy?
Amount of recurrent hazardous wastes : How do we reduce the amount of Recurrent hazardous wastes that are generated from the ongoing use of hazardous materials used in manufacturing or in service.
Discuss was jane drunk : McDonalds parking lot and administered a field sobriety test. The field sobriety test administered in the McDonalds parking lot was failed by Jane Citizen


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