How to confirm the customers dietary requirements

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Reference no: EM133777140

Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Chapter 1:Confirm Special Dietary Requirements
Activity 1: What is your diet?
Listed below are various lifestyle, medical and religious diets. Match the types of diets to their definitions.


A personwith this condition often experience discomfort, usually in the digestive system, after eating certain foods.

It is one of many dietary trends that copies how ancient cave dwellers ate as a way to best health.

It is a Jewish dietary plan for food preparation, processing and consumption.

This is a type of food permitted for Muslims to consume.

Others have problems with swallowing and have struggles controlling food in their mouth that is why they need this diet.

This diet is a way of living that is similar to vegetarians, except they exclude any animal products, such as fish oil or gelatin.

Activity 2: Egg Substitutes
Identify the five substitute ingredients for eggs by finding them in the word search puzzle below.

Activity 3: Allergic to Peanuts

You are a pâtissier workingat The Lounge at The Continent Hotel. The Lounge offers various types of dishes, including pastries. Part of your duties is baking brownies. Some are for dining in, and others are for taking away. Some customers can order in advance and make requests for their pastries.
One day, you receive an order from one of your regular customers. He calls The Lounge to order three boxes of brownies.
Here are the things that you should do:
• Ask the customer if they have any dietary requirements. (The customer should say that they are allergic to peanuts.)
• Confirm the dietary requirement of the customer.
• Give the customer the choices of substitute ingredients instead of peanuts:
o Roasted beans
o Crushed pretzels
o Sunflower seeds
o Pumpkin seeds
• The customer chooses crushed pretzels and pumpkin seeds. Confirm the order of the customer.
• Communicate with your team members about the customer's request.

Role Play Activity
Role play the scenario with three volunteers to demonstrate how to confirm the customers dietary requirements, while demonstrating the practical skills listed in the checklist below.
Perform this activity while being observed by your trainer. If your trainer is not available to directly observe you, you may video record the role play activity and submit the recording to your trainer.
Your role
For this activity, you will take the role of the pâtissier.
The volunteers' role
For this activity, the volunteers will take the role of:
• Customer
• Team Member 1
• Team Member 2

Activity 4: Check the Food Labels


You are a pâtissier working at The Lounge at The Continent Hotel. The place is well-known for its wide variety of pastries and cakes. Your duty today is to make dairy-free cupcakes.
Since you cater for customers with allergies and intolerances, it is important to check the ingredients first. You start your job by reading the cupcake recipe. You select the ingredients by reading the food labels, ensuring that you identify the ingredients that may cause allergies and intolerances. You know that dairy may cause some people allergic reactions and food intolerance. Being careless with the ingredients may lead to health consequences.
You read each product label and start looking for the following statements:
• ‘Contain traces of milk'
• ‘May contain milk'
• ‘Manufactured in a facility which processes milk'
You double-check the ingredients list on food labels and ensure you only use the best ingredients. With this, you are able to produce the best dairy-free cupcakes. Customers with dairy allergies and intolerances are very satisfied with the cupcakes.

1. In your own words, briefly explain why you have to identify ingredients that may cause allergies or intolerances.
2. In your own words, briefly explain why you have to avoid foods with statements like ‘Manufactured in a facility which processes milk' on their labels.
3. In your own words, briefly explain why it is important to check food labels.

Chapter 2: Prepare Foods to Satisfy Nutritional Requirements
Activity 1: Communicate With Your Team

List the five tips for effective communication.
Activity 2: Using the Proper Equipment
Match the descriptions below to the appropriate equipment.


It is used for cooking, baking and roasting. They either use electricity or gas. Burner

They are flat plates made of iron, stainless steel or aluminum. They are used to make pancakes, omelettes and patties. Cooking range

This is cooking equipment filled with oil, usually equipped with a basket, used to submerge food in order to cook them. Oven

People use it for cooking and boiling food. Usually, they operate on gas, but nowadays induction and hot plate versions are available. Griddle

It is a versatile type of equipment that can cook, fry, boil and bake. It uses gas or electricity. Fryer

Chapter 3: Present Prepared Food
Activity 1:Things to Remember

Let's review what you've learnt from this Chapter. Read each statement below.
Tick ‘True' if the statement is correct, and ‘False' if not.

Tableware is composed of plates or dishware used in serving and displaying food on the table.
Portion control means choosing random measures and serving sizes for food.
You must use the proper measuring tools and equipment to follow portion control. These tools include spoons and ladles.
When adding garnish, you have to choose one that has the same colour as the dish.
A cool room is a large cupboard or room with a temperature lower than room temperature. The temperature inside ranges from 8°C to 15°C.
Do not use the same kitchen tools for raw and cooked foods.
Overproduction happens when cooks and chefs overestimate the number of sales they expect for a dish.
A by-product is the ingredients that remains after you have used what you needed.

Activity 2:Saving the Environment
Read the following statements carefully. Identify the missing information from the selection below.

Activity 3: By-Products
List five examples of by-products from fruits, vegetables and processed animal products.

Activity 4: Chef Duties


You are working as a chef at The Lounge at The Continent Hotel. The place has a huge number of daily guests, so it is a must to cook some foods in advance for the next day. You have finished cooking fried dishes and cutting fresh fruits.
Demonstrate the proper storage of foods using the following:
• Follow food safety procedures
o Handle foods in a clean manner
o Keep the dish covered
o Separate the cooked dishes from raw foods
o Temperature control
• Avoid cross-contamination
o Use different utensils for raw foods and finished dishes
o Utensils may include:
• Cutting boards
• Knives
• Consider environmental factors
o Do not place the food under direct sunlight
o Make sure that the food storage has proper ventilation

Role Play Activity

Role play the scenario to show how to store finished dishes and raw foods, while demonstrating the practical skills listed in the checklist below.
Perform this activity while being observed by your trainer. If your trainer is not available to directly observe you, you may video record the role play activity and submit the recording to your trainer.
Your role
For this activity, you will take the role of the chef.

Assessment Tasks

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Complete the table belowabout thesubstitute ingredients used in special dietary recipes:
a. Identify at least three substitute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary recipes.
b. Identify at least two examples of each substitute ingredient identified.
Substitute Ingredients
i. Almond flour

ii. Coconut oil

iii. Tofu

Question 2
Complete the table below about the ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs:
a. Identify at least three ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs.
b. Identify at least two examplesof each ingredient identified.

Question 3
Complete the table below about the ingredients that cause common allergic reactions:
a. Identify at least three ingredients that cause common allergic reactions.
b. Identify at least twoexamples for each ingredient identified.

Ingredients That Cause Common Allergic Reactions
i. Peanuts
ii. Eggs
iii. Prawn

Question 4
Complete the table belowaboutfood additives and food preservatives:
a. Identify at least three of the following:
• Food additives
• Food preservatives
b. Identify at least twoexamples for each food additive and preservative identified.

Question 5
Complete the table below about the main types of food allergies:
a. In your own words, briefly describe each main type of food allergy listed.
b. Identify at least one keycharacteristic of each of the food allergies listed below.

Question 6
Complete the table below about food allergens:
a. Identify the 17 main types of food allergens.
b. Identify at least one keycharacteristic of each food allergen identified.
c. Identify at least two examples of alternative ingredients that are used in contemporary dishes or recipes for each food allergen identified.

Question 7
Complete the table about the main types of food intolerance:
a. In your own words, briefly describe each main type of food intolerance listed.
Each response must be in 30 words or more.
b. Identify at least one key characteristic of each of the main types of food intolerance listed below.

Question 8
Complete the table belowabout the main types of special diet for food intolerance:
a. Identify the three main types of special diets for food intolerance.
b. Identify at least one key characteristic of each special diet for food intolerance identified.
c. Identify at least two examples of ingredients used in contemporary dishes or recipes for each of the special diet identified.

Question 9
Complete the table about the main types of religious dietary sanctions.
a. In your own words, briefly describe each religious dietary sanction listed below.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.
b. Identify at least one key characteristic of each main type of religious dietary sanction listed below.

Religious Dietary Sanctions
i. Muslim diet
ii. Hindu diet
iii. Jewish diet

Question 10
Complete the table below about the main types of special religious diets:
a. In your own words, briefly describe each special religious diet listed below.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.
b. Identify at least onekeycharacteristic of each special religious diet below.
c. Identify at least two examples of ingredients used in contemporary dishes for each of the religious diets listed below.

Main Types of Special Religious Diet
i. Halal

ii. Hindu

iii. Kosher

Question 11
Complete the table below about special lifestyle diets:
a. Identify the 15 main types of special lifestyle diets.
b. Identify at least onekey characteristic of each main type of special lifestyle diet identified.
c. Identify at least twoexamples ofingredients used in contemporary dishes or recipes for each type of diet identified.

Question 12
Complete the table below on special medical diets:
a. In your own words, briefly describe each listed main type of special diet.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.
b. Identify at least onekeycharacteristic of each listed main type of special medical diets.
c. Identify at least two examples of ingredients used in contemporary dishes or recipes for each of the medical diets listed below.

Question 13
Read the case study scenario about the substitutes used in preparing dishes to meet special dietary requirements.
Answer the items that follow:

Scenario 1
Sandra is a pastry chef at La Bellissima, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. La Bellissima offers a wide range of dishes. As a pastry chef, Sandra is responsible for baking pastries. One day, she receives an order from a female Hindu customer with a special dietary requirement. She orders a chiffon cake but requests not to use refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. Sandra has a background in Hindu food, so she tells the customer that she will use honey and jaggery to sweeten the cake.Hindus believe that refined sugar or artificial sweeteners produce negative emotions such as anger, jealousy and greed. The customer agrees, and Sandra proceeds to bake the cake.

a. Identify two ingredients the customer asked Sandra not to include in the cake.
b. Identify the two substitute ingredients Sandra suggested to the customer.
c. In your own words, briefly explain why the Hindu customer ask Sandra not to put refined sugar or artificial sweetener in the cake.

Scenario 2
Jeff is a saucier in La Bellissima, a restaurant in The Continent Hotel. The restaurant offers a variety of soups and hearty dishes. As a saucier, Jeff's responsibility is to prepare sauces for their menu. One morning, he gets an order from a customer with a special dietary requirement. He orders Thai fresh spring rolls but requests not to use peanuts for the sauce because he is allergic to them.Ingesting peanuts may cause mild to severe allergy symptoms to the customer. Jeff understands his concern, so he suggests alternative ingredients to the customer: almonds and sunflower seeds. The customer chose almonds, and Jeff proceeded to make the sauce for the rolls.
a. Identify the ingredient the customer asked Jeff not to include in the sauce.
b. Identify the two substitute ingredients Jeff suggested to the customer.
c. In your own words, briefly explain why the customer asked Jeff not to put peanuts in the sauce.

Preliminary Task
Question 14 of this Knowledge Assessment requires you to refer to state or territory specific requirements relevant to identifying the key legal consequences of failing to address special customer requirements. These requirements include food safety laws, regulation and local government regulators.
For your assessor's reference, indicate below which state/territory you are currently based or located in by ticking the box that corresponds to your answer.
When answering Question 14, you must refer to the food safety laws, regulation and local government regulators relevant to the key legal consequences of failing to address special requirements in your state/territory below.

Question 14
Answer the items below aboutthe consequences of failing to address the following specific conditions.

Identify at least one adverse health effect for each of the following bodily reactions caused by food:
Bodily Reactions
i. Allergic reactions
ii. Anaphylaxis
iii. Food sensitivity reactions
iv. Food intolerance reactions

B. Key legal consequences
Access and review the food safety law applicable to your state or territory.
Where possible, refer to a current plain English version of the food safety law.

1. Identify the food safety law applicable to your state orterritory.
2. Identify the penalty for handling of food in an unsafe manner.
3. Identify the penalty for false description of food.

Question 15
In your own words, describe the effect of failing to address each listed customer behaviour on one's reputation.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.

Customer Behaviours
i. Special customer requirements
ii. Customer preferences
iii. Customer aversions

Question 16

Complete the table aboutmicronutrient groups and their food sources:
a. Identify the two micronutrient groups.
b. In your own words, briefly describe each group identified.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.
c. Identify at least oneexample of each group identified.
d. Identify at least one food source for each example identified.

Question 17
Complete the table aboutmacronutrient groups and their food sources.
a. Identify the five macronutrient groups.
b. In your own words, briefly describe each group identified.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.
c. Identify at least one food source for each group identified.

Question 18
In your own words, brieflydescribe each factor that affects food choice listed below.
Each of your responses must be in 30 words or more.
Factors That Affect Food Choice
i. Culture
ii. Religion
iii. Medical condition

Factors That Affect Food Choice
i. Culture
ii. Religion
iii. Medical condition

Question 20
Answer the items below on food additives and preservatives.

A. Food Additives
i. Briefly explain the importance of using food additives when preparing dishes.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

ii. Briefly describe the health effects of excessiveuse of food additives in producing dishes
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

A. Food Preservatives
i. Briefly explain the importance of using food preservatives when preparing dishes.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

ii. Briefly describe the health effects of excessive use of food additives in producing dishes.
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

Question 21
Read the following scenarios about the health implications of food choices.
Answer the questions that follow:

Scenario 1:
Brianna enjoys eating instant noodles several times a day. She likes to try various flavours and brands of noodles. Brianna has been doing this routine for one month now. She finds it convenient since instant noodles are tasty and easy to cook.
One day, Brianna experiences nausea and heart palpitations. She goes to the doctor to have herself checked. The doctor does the necessary check-ups, ruling out the cause of the problem. Her symptoms come from eating instant noodles every day. Instant noodles contain high amounts of preservatives and additives, such as MSG or monosodium glutamate. It also has high salt content and increases the risk of heart disease and stomach cancer. The doctor said that though instant noodles provide iron, B vitamins and manganese, they lack fibre, protein and other essential vitamins and minerals.
The doctor advises Brianna to eat healthier choices of food from now on. She heeds the doctor's advice and consults a nutritionist for a more nutritious diet.

a. Identify the food Brianna chose to eat.
b. Identify the two effects to Brianna of eating convenience snacks several times a day.

Scenario 2:
Brianna decides to change her diet. She consults a nutritionist for her diet. The nutritionist gives her a list of various food choices. Brianna chooses two on her food list. She prepares a serving of apple slices topped with almond butter. She also gets a small pack of Greek yoghurt. She eats the foods she prepared and feels satisfied with her choice.
Brianna has followed this nutritious diet for a month now. She immediately noticed some effects. She felt healthier, her immune system was stronger, and her digestion is becoming better. Her palpitations andnausea were already gone. Overall, her health condition improved so much with a proper diet.

a. Identify the two foods Brianna chose to eat.
b. Identify the four effects to Brianna of eating nutritious snacks.

Question 22

Access the Australian Dietary Guidelines in the link below.
Australian Dietary Guidelines

Access the Australian Dietary Guidelines in the link below.
Australian Dietary Guidelines
Answer the items below based on the link accessed.

a. Outline at least three tips for a healthy weight.
Access Guideline 1 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines

b. Outline at least three tips to add variety of nutritious foods from five food groups.
Access Guideline 2 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines

Access Guideline 3 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines
c. Outline at least three tips to eat less saturated fats.
a. Outline at least three tips to limit added sugars.
b. Outline at least three tips to eat less salt.
f. In your own words, explain why breastmilk is the healthiest for infants.
Access Guideline 4 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines
Your response must be in 30 words or more.

g. Outline at least three tips in preparing foods safely.
Access Guideline 5 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines

Practical Assessment

Assessment Overview

This practical assessment requires you to prepare at least six different dishesthat cater to the following special dietary requirements of customers:
• At least three different food allergies.
• At least three different food intolerances.
This assessment is divided into two tasks:
• Task 1: Identify Special Customer Requirements
• Task 2: Prepare Ingredients forSpecial Dietary Recipes
• Task 3: Cook and Present Special Dietary Dishes
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in operational commercial kitchen.This can be:
• An industry workplace; or
• A simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen servicing customers.

You are required to:
• Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
• Confirm the special dietary requirements of at least two customers.
• Communicate with at least two team members regarding the special dietary requirements of the customers.
• Prepare at least six different dishes that cater to customers with special dietary requirements, which includes:
o At least three different food allergies
o At least three different food intolerances
• Present the dishes prepared.
• Store and clean work area used to prepare the dishes.

Resources Required for Assessment
Resources you need to access to complete the workplace assessment are outlined in the Resources Required for Assessment section of this workbook, and in the corresponding Assessor's Checklist and/or Observation Form of each task.
Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task.They will organise the resources required for this assessment.
IMPORTANT: Additional workplace resources may be required upon the contextualisation of this assessment.
Forms and Templates
Generic forms and templates to be used for the assessments are specified for each task, unless otherwise stated. These can be accessed from the following link:
SITHCCC042 Forms and Templates
If you are currently in a workplace, use similar workplace templates and forms used by your organisation to complete each assessment task.
Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor first to ensure that the forms/templates you will use cover all criteria required by each assessment task.
Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.

Preliminary Task
To complete this assessment, you must:
• Modify standard recipes to prepare at least three dishes that cater to at least three different food allergies.
• Modify standard recipes to prepare at least three dishes that cater to at least three different food intolerances.
• Prepare,plate and present at least two portions of each of the above six dishes:

Task 1: Identify Special Customer Requirements

This task requires you toyou to confirm the special dietary requirements of at least two customers
1. Meet with each of at least two customersand identify the following information:
• Each of their preferred dishes
• Special dietary requirementsof each of the customers
These requirements must meet the information outlined in the Preliminary Task.
Use your organisation's template for recording the identified information, or you may use the Customer Order Notetemplate provided in The Continent Hotel site.
2. Consult with at least twocolleagues about the following:
This can include other chefs and kitchen staffing the workplace.
• Special dietary requirement of each customer
• Ingredients that are unsuitable for each customer
This must include the ingredients in the recipes accessed.
• Actions needed to be made during the preparation of the dish.
This can include:
o Substituting specific ingredients
This must be based on the unsuitable ingredients identified.
o Adjusting ingredient contents
o Omitting ingredients
o Adding ingredients
For added or substituted ingredients, you must discuss possible changes in the preparation and cooking techniques.
• Effect of the ingredient on each customer when consumed
• Appropriate preparation and cooking techniques for the alternative ingredients
• Organisation's standard recipes for the dishes identified
This can include special dietary recipes for the dishes.

3. Identify the following information based on each standard recipe accessed:
o Name of the dish
o Number of portions
o Recipe ingredients
o Quantity needed for each ingredient
o Suitability of each ingredientfor the customer
o Remarks
This must be based on the consultation with your colleagues regarding the dish ingredients.
Remarks can include ingredients to be substituted, adjusting ingredient contents, ingredients to be omitted and ingredients to be added.
Use your organisation's template for recording the identified information, or you may use the Recipe Requirements template provided in The Continent Hotel site.
• Practical knowledge of the special dietary requirements of the customer
• Practical skills relevant to:
o Confirming dietary requirementsof the customer
o Communicating with team members about the customer's special dietary requirement
Before starting this task, review the following formsprovided along with this workbook.
• Workplace Assessment Task 1 - Observation Form
This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
• Workplace Assessment Task 1 - Assessor's Checklist
This form lists the criteria your submission must address to complete this task satisfactorily.

• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Advise you on the time and location of the assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Discuss with you the requirements listed in the Assessor's Checklist prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

Task 2: Prepare Ingredients of Special Dietary RecipesThis task requires you toprepare the ingredients of the dishes based on the recipe requirements document and the standard recipes.
1. Access and review the following documents that you will need in this task:
• Organisation's special dietary recipes for the dishes identified
• Customer order notefrom Workplace Assessment Task 1
• Recipe requirements fromWorkplace Assessment Task 1
• Equipment manufacturer instructions
• Current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for ordering, monitoring and maintaining stock
• Mise en place lists
• Organisational food safety plan
• Guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements
• Safety data sheets (SDS)
2. Gather theingredients according to the recipe requirements document.
3. Process the ingredients gathered using appropriate preparation techniques.
4. Clean the work area and equipment used to prepare the ingredients.

Task 3: Cook and Present Special Dietary Dishes
This task requires you tocook and present at least six different dishes based on the recipe requirements document and the standard recipes.
1. Access and review the following documentsthat you will need in this task:
• Your organisation's special dietary recipesfor the dishes identified
• Recipe requirements document
• Organisational food safety planin relation to the dishes to be cooked
• Equipment manufacturer instructionsfor equipment needed to cook and present the dishes
• Organisational food presentation requirements
2. Prepare each dish based on the special dietary recipes.
3. Use appropriate cooking techniques to cook each dish.
4. Plate and present each dish based on the food presentation requirements.
5. Communicate each modified dish prepared to at least two team members before service.
6. Store each completed dish in appropriate environmental conditions.
7. Clean the work area, food surplus and by-products.
• Practical knowledge of requirements in preparing special dietary dishes
• Practical skills relevant to cooking, presenting and storing special dietary dishes.
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 3 - Observation Form provided along with this workbook. This form lists all the practical skills you need to demonstrate while completing this task.
• Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
• Advise you on the time and location of the assessment.
• Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
• Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

Reference no: EM133777140

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